
云数据库 RDS MySQL Serverless,0.5-2RCU 50GB
云数据库 RDS MySQL Serverless,价值2615元额度,1个月
简介: 版权声明:本文可能为博主原创文章,若标明出处可随便转载。 https://blog.
版权声明:本文可能为博主原创文章,若标明出处可随便转载。 https://blog.csdn.net/Jailman/article/details/78488789



MySQLTuner is a script written in Perl that allows you to review a MySQL installation quickly and make adjustments to increase performance and stability. The current configuration variables and status data is retrieved and presented in a brief format along with some basic performance suggestions.

MySQLTuner supports in this last version ~300 indicators for MySQL/MariaDB/Percona Server.

MySQLTuner is maintained and indicator collect is increasing week after week supporting a lot of configuration such as Galera ClusterTokuDBPerformance schema, Linux OS metrics, InnoDBMyISAMAria, ...

You can find more details on these indicators here: Indicators description.


MySQLTuner needs you:

MySQLTuner needs contributors for documentation, code and feedbacks..


  • MySQL 5.7 (full support)
  • MySQL 5.6 (full support)
  • MySQL 5.5 (full support)
  • MariaDB 10.1 (full support)
  • MariaDB 10.0 (full support)
  • Percona Server 5.6 (full support)
  • Percona XtraDB cluster (full support)
  • MySQL 3.23, 4.0, 4.1, 5.0, 5.1 (partial support - deprecated version)
  • Perl 5.6 or later (with perl-doc package)
  • Unix/Linux based operating system (tested on Linux, BSD variants, and Solaris variants)
  • Windows is not supported at this time (Help wanted !!!!!)
  • Unrestricted read access to the MySQL server (OS root access recommended for MySQL < 5.1)
  • CVE vulnerabilites detection support from https://cve.mitre.org


It is extremely important for you to fully understand each change you make to a MySQL database server. If you don't understand portions of the script's output, or if you don't understand the recommendations, you should consult a knowledgeable DBA or system administrator that you trust. Always test your changes on staging environments, and always keep in mind that improvements in one area can negatively affect MySQL in other areas.

Seriously - please review the FAQ section below.

Security recommandations

Hi directadmin user! We detected that you run mysqltuner with da_admin's credentials taken from /usr/local/directadmin/conf/my.cnf, which might bring to a password discovery! Read link for more details Issue #289.

What MySQLTuner is checking exactly ?

All checks done by MySQLTuner are documented in MySQLTuner Internals documentation.


You can download the entire repository by using 'git clone' followed by the cloning URL above. The simplest and shortest method is:

wget http://mysqltuner.pl/ -O mysqltuner.pl
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/major/MySQLTuner-perl/master/basic_passwords.txt -O basic_passwords.txt
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/major/MySQLTuner-perl/master/vulnerabilities.csv -O vulnerabilities.csv
perl mysqltuner.pl

Of course, you can add the execute bit (chmod +x mysqltuner.pl) so you can execute it without calling perl directly.

Specific usage

Usage: Minimal usage locally

perl mysqltuner.pl 

Usage: Minimal usage remotely

perl mysqltuner.pl --host targetDNS_IP --user admin_user --pass admin_password

Usage: Enable maximum output information around MySQL/MariaDb without debugging

perl mysqltuner.pl --verbose
perl mysqltuner.pl --buffers --dbstat --idxstat --sysstat --pfstat

Usage: Enable CVE vulnerabilities check for your MariaDB or MySQL version

perl mysqltuner.pl --cvefile=vulnerabilities.csv

Usage: Write your result in a file with information displayed

perl mysqltuner.pl --outputfile /tmp/result_mysqltuner.txt

Usage: Write your result in a file without outputting information

perl mysqltuner.pl --silent --outputfile /tmp/result_mysqltuner.txt

Usage: Using template model to customize your reporting file based on Text::Template syntax.

perl mysqltuner.pl --silent --reportfile /tmp/result_mysqltuner.txt --template=/tmp/mymodel.tmpl

Usage: Enable debugging information

perl mysqltuner.pl --debug


Question: Will MySQLTuner fix my slow MySQL server?

No. MySQLTuner is a read only script. It won't write to any configuration files, change the status of any daemons, or call your mother to wish her a happy birthday. It will give you an overview of your server's performance and make some basic recommendations about improvements that you can make after it completes. Make sure you read the warning above prior to following any recommendations.

Question: Can I fire my DBA now?

MySQLTuner will not replace your DBA in any form or fashion. If your DBA constantly takes your parking spot and steals your lunch from the fridge, then you may want to consider it - but that's your call.

Question: Why does MySQLTuner keep asking me the login credentials for MySQL over and over?

The script will try its best to log in via any means possible. It will check for ~/.my.cnf files, Plesk password files, and empty password root logins. If none of those are available, then you'll be prompted for a password. If you'd like the script to run in an automated fashion without user intervention, then create a .my.cnf file in your home directory which contains:


Once you create it, make sure it's owned by your user and the mode on the file is 0600. This should prevent the prying eyes from getting your database login credentials under normal conditions. If a T-1000 shows up in a LAPD uniform and demands your database credentials, you won't have much of an option.

Question: Is there another way to secure credentials on latest MySQL and MariaDB distributions ?

You could use mysql_config_editor utilities.

$ mysql_config_editor set --login-path=client --user=someusername --password --host=localhost
Enter passord: ********

At this time, ~/.mylogin.cnf has been written with appropriated rigth access.

To get information about stored credentials, use the following command:

$mysql_config_editor print
user = someusername
password = *****
host = localhost

Question: What's minimum privileges needed by a specific mysqltuner user in database ?

    mysql>GRANT SELECT, PROCESS,EXECUTE, REPLICATION CLIENT,SHOW DATABASES,SHOW VIEW ON *.* FOR 'mysqltuner'@'localhost' identified by pwd1234;

Question: It's not working on my OS! What gives?!

These kinds of things are bound to happen. Here are the details I need from you in order to research the problem thoroughly:

  • OS and OS version
  • Architecture (x86, x86_64, IA64, Commodore 64)
  • Exact MySQL version
  • Where you obtained your MySQL version (OS package, source, etc)
  • The full text of the error
  • A copy of SHOW VARIABLES and SHOW GLOBAL STATUS output (if possible)

Question: How to perform CVE vulnerability checks?

  • Download vulnerabilities.csv from this repository.
  • use option --cvefile to perform CVE checks

Question: How to use mysqltuner from a remote host? Thanks to @rolandomysqldba

  • You will still have to connect like a mysql client:

Connection and Authentication

--host <hostname> Connect to a remote host to perform tests (default: localhost)
--socket <socket> Use a different socket for a local connection
--port <port>     Port to use for connection (default: 3306)
--user <username> Username to use for authentication	
--pass <password> Password to use for authentication
--defaults-file <path> defaulfs file for credentials

Since you are using a remote host, use parameters to supply values from the OS

--forcemem <size>  Amount of RAM installed in megabytes
--forceswap <size> Amount of swap memory configured in megabytes
  • You may have to contact your remote SysAdmin to ask how much RAM and swap you have

If the database has too many tables, or very large table, use this:

--skipsize           Don't enumerate tables and their types/sizes (default: on)
                     (Recommended for servers with many tables)

Question: Can I install this project using homebrew on Apple Macintosh?

Yes! brew install mysqltuner can be used to install this application using homebrew on Apple Macintosh.

MySQLTuner and Vagrant

MySQLTuner contains following Vagrant configurations:

  • Fedora Core 23 / MariaDB 10.0
  • Fedora Core 23 / MariaDB 10.1
  • Fedora Core 23 / MySQL 5.6
  • Fedora Core 23 / MySQL 5.7

Vagrant File are stored in Vagrant subdirectory.

  • Follow this 2 steps after vagrant installation:
  • Rename VagrantFile_for_Mxxx into Vagrantfile
  • vagrant up

MySQLTuner contains a Vagrant configurations for test purpose and development

MySQLTuner needs you

MySQLTuner needs contributors for documentation, code and feedbacks..

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