
简介: 使用mermaid描述 raiden通道 AB,正常状态graph LR A-- 60,100,S_100 ---B通道 AB closedgraph LRA((A)) -. 60,100 .

使用mermaid描述 raiden

通道 AB,正常状态

graph LR A-- 60,100,S_100 ---B

通道 AB closed

graph LR A((A)) -. 60,100 .- B((B))


graph LR A((A)) A--60,100 ---B B-- 50,50 ---C B--20,30 ---D

交易 A-B-C

sequenceDiagram participant A as Alice participant B as Bob participant C as Charle A->>B: MTR,expiration=3000,H(secret)=333 B->>C: MTR,expiration=3000 Note right of B: exiration should less than 3000 Note over A,C: secret should be the same C->>A: Secret Request A->>C: Reveal Secret C->>B: Reveal Secret B->>C: Unlock B->>A: Reveal Secret A->>B: Unlock


PyTorch 算法框架/工具
Pytorch中Trying to backward through the graph和one of the variables needed for gradient错误解决方案
Pytorch中Trying to backward through the graph和one of the variables needed for gradient错误解决方案
1424 0
Pytorch中Trying to backward through the graph和one of the variables needed for gradient错误解决方案
API 数据格式
TensorFlow2._:model.summary() Output Shape为multiple解决方法
TensorFlow2._:model.summary() Output Shape为multiple解决方法
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TensorFlow2._:model.summary() Output Shape为multiple解决方法
机器学习/深度学习 自然语言处理 算法
SS-AGA:Multilingual Knowledge Graph Completion with Self-Supervised Adaptive Graph Alignment 论文解读
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机器学习/深度学习 存储 算法
图学习初探Paddle Graph Learning 构建属于自己的图【系列三】
4.图学习初探Paddle Graph Learning 构建属于自己的图【系列三】
机器学习/深度学习 数据挖掘
机器学习/深度学习 计算机视觉 索引
FPT: Feature Pyramid Transfomer
本文介绍了一个在空间和尺度上全活跃特征交互(fully active feature interaction across both space and scales)的特征金字塔transformer模型,简称FPT。该模型将transformer和Feature Pyramid结合,可用于像素级的任务,在论文中作者进行了目标检测和实力分割,都取得了比较好的效果。为了讲解清楚,若有transformer不懂的读者,关于transformer可以在公众号中看另一篇文《Transformer解读》
FPT: Feature Pyramid Transfomer
jenkins 持续交付
成功解决mxnet-tag\mxnet\src\operator\tensor\./matrix_op-inl.h:189: Using target_shape will be deprecated
成功解决mxnet-tag\mxnet\src\operator\tensor\./matrix_op-inl.h:189: Using target_shape will be deprecated
Linux TensorFlow 算法框架/工具
Using side features: feature preprocessing
One of the great advantages of using a deep learning framework to build recommender models is the freedom to build rich, flexible feature representations.
132 0
R-Modeling(step 4)
R is a data analysis and visualization platform.
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TensorFlow 算法框架/工具 异构计算