openn2o class关键字翻译


苦恼了一天,在翻译new关键字的时候遇到了一些麻烦, 首先neko是不支持面向对象的,没有class的概念。然后是js端, js的构造方式很奇葩, ES5 的function 和 class 是需要我们特殊区分的。


function A () {}

即是函数又是类 ,  考虑到每个new出来的对象我们都要支持 class 定义的的属性和方法。我们需要在翻译端搞出来一套原型链的机制。 


Class //[Class("exports.cls.StateMachine")];


          var cls = exports.createNamespace("cls");
          cls.ClassA  = function() {
              this.toString = function () {
                  return "ClassA Call";

然后我们在翻译的时候就可以使用new关键字来生成他的实例了。 具体细节就不在这里讨论了。


var exports =  {};

exports.createNamespace = function (ns) {
        if (exports[ns]) {
            return exports[ns];
        var ps ={};
        exports[ns] = {};
        return exports[ns];

;(function() {
          var cls = exports.createNamespace("cls");
          cls.ClassA  = function() {
              this.toString = function () {
                  return "ClassA Call";
         /// 状态机
          cls.StateMachine = function() {
            this.statOwner = obj;
            this.currState = null;
            this.preState = null;
            this.setCurrentState = function(state) {
              currState = state;
            this.setPreviousState = function(state) {
              preState = state;
            this.setStateCommand = function(state, cmd) {
              if (state && state.hasOwnProperty(cmd)) {
            this.changeState = function(state) {
              this.setStateCommand(preState, "exit");
              this.setStateCommand(state, "enter");
            this.changingState = function(state) { /// 立刻执行
            this.update = function() {
              this.setStateCommand(currState, "execute");
            this.revertToPreState = function() {
            this.getCurrState = function() {
              return currState;
            this.getPreviousState = function() {
              return preState;


var NormalState = {
     "execute": function (e) {
         console.log("execute NormalState \n");
     "enter":function (e) {
         console.log("enter NormalState \n");
     "exit":function (e) {
         console.log("exit  NormalState\n");

var n = new exports.cls.StateMachine(1);


nglobals : 35
nfields : 26
codesize : 369 ops , 560 total
  global 0 : var __exports_defines__symblos__
  global 1 : function 1 nargs 1
  global 2 : string "cls"
  global 3 : string "exports.cls.ClassA"
  global 4 : string "ClassA Call"
  global 5 : function 40 nargs 0
  global 6 : function 43 nargs 0
  global 7 : string "exports.cls.StateMachine"
  global 8 : var obj
  global 9 : var currState
  global 10 : function 66 nargs 1
  global 11 : var preState
  global 12 : function 69 nargs 1
  global 13 : function 72 nargs 2
  global 14 : string "exit"
  global 15 : string "enter"
  global 16 : function 95 nargs 1
  global 17 : function 124 nargs 1
  global 18 : string "execute"
  global 19 : function 135 nargs 0
  global 20 : function 144 nargs 0
  global 21 : function 151 nargs 0
  global 22 : function 154 nargs 0
  global 23 : function 157 nargs 0
  global 24 : function 224 nargs 0
  global 25 : var o:0
  global 26 : string "execute NormalState \n"
  global 27 : function 241 nargs 1
  global 28 : string "enter NormalState \n"
  global 29 : function 246 nargs 1
  global 30 : string "exit  NormalState\n"
  global 31 : function 251 nargs 1
  global 32 : string "new"
  global 33 : function 256 nargs 2
  global 34 : debug 560 ops 138 bytes
  objget                  154104FF
  objset                  154A200B
  __cls_name__            D0D1A680
  toString                386ED0AC
  objfield                1A7EC563
  statOwner               1BF9C3BF
  setPreviousState        EB621958
  setStateCommand         DDBD49FC
  setCurrentState         E9CD2DDA
  changeState             29D11E81
  update                  07058609
  currState               E7E0ADBF
  preState                03E526EE
  changingState           1C815C24
  revertToPreState        D448728D
  getCurrState            F7374A49
  getPreviousState        15202BE4
  createNamespace         08E2A3FF
  ClassA                  39A52D29
  StateMachine            C8A78D96
  print                   C88B582D
  cls                     004B7DAA
  enter                   F0866D18
  execute                 CC0D0A35
  exit                    C31DF71E
  new                     0053D060
000000      0    Jump 281

000002      1    AccEnv 0
000004      2    Push
000005      3    AccStack1
000006      4    Hash
000007      5    Push
000008      6    AccBuiltin objget
00000A      7    Call 2
00000C      8    JumpIfNot 17
00000E      9    AccEnv 0
000010     10    Push
000011     11    AccStack1
000012     12    Hash
000013     13    Push
000014     14    AccBuiltin objget
000016     15    TailCall(2, 3)
000018     16    Ret 1
00001A     17    AccNull
00001B     18    New
00001C     19    Push
00001D     20    AccEnv 0
00001F     21    Push
000020     22    AccStack 2
000022     23    Hash
000023     24    Push
000024     25    AccNull
000025     26    New
000026     27    Push
000027     28    AccBuiltin objset
000029     29    Call 3
00002B     30    AccEnv 0
00002D     31    Push
00002E     32    AccStack 2
000030     33    Hash
000031     34    Push
000032     35    AccBuiltin objget
000034     36    TailCall(2, 4)
000036     37    Ret 2
000038     38    Pop 1
00003A     39    Ret 1

00003C     40    AccGlobal 4
00003E     41    Ret 0
000040     42    Ret 0

000042     43    AccThis
000043     44    Push
000044     45    AccGlobal 3
000046     46    SetField __cls_name__
000048     47    AccThis
000049     48    Push
00004A     49    AccGlobal 5
00004C     50    SetField toString
00004E     51    AccThis
00004F     52    New
000050     53    Push
000051     54    AccGlobal 0
000053     55    Push
000054     56    AccThis
000055     57    AccField __cls_name__
000057     58    Hash
000058     59    Push
000059     60    AccStack 2
00005B     61    Push
00005C     62    AccBuiltin objset
00005E     63    TailCall(3, 4)
000060     64    Pop 1
000062     65    Ret 0

000064     66    AccStack0
000065     67    SetGlobal 9
000067     68    Ret 1

000069     69    AccStack0
00006A     70    SetGlobal 11
00006C     71    Ret 1

00006E     72    AccStack1
00006F     73    Bool
000070     74    JumpIfNot 82
000072     75    AccStack1
000073     76    Push
000074     77    AccStack1
000075     78    Hash
000076     79    Push
000077     80    AccBuiltin objfield
000079     81    Call 2
00007B     82    JumpIfNot 94
00007D     83    AccThis
00007E     84    AccField statOwner
000080     85    Push
000081     86    AccStack 2
000083     87    Push
000084     88    AccStack 2
000086     89    Hash
000087     90    Push
000088     91    AccBuiltin objget
00008A     92    Call 2
00008C     93    TailCall(1, 3)
00008E     94    Ret 2

000090     95    AccGlobal 9
000092     96    Push
000093     97    AccThis
000094     98    Push
000095     99    AccField setPreviousState
000097    100    ObjCall 1
000099    101    AccGlobal 11
00009B    102    Push
00009C    103    AccGlobal 14
00009E    104    Push
00009F    105    AccThis
0000A0    106    Push
0000A1    107    AccField setStateCommand
0000A3    108    ObjCall 2
0000A5    109    AccStack0
0000A6    110    Push
0000A7    111    AccThis
0000A8    112    Push
0000A9    113    AccField setCurrentState
0000AB    114    ObjCall 1
0000AD    115    AccStack0
0000AE    116    Push
0000AF    117    AccGlobal 15
0000B1    118    Push
0000B2    119    AccThis
0000B3    120    Push
0000B4    121    AccField setStateCommand
0000B6    122    ObjCall 2
0000B8    123    Ret 1

0000BA    124    AccStack0
0000BB    125    Push
0000BC    126    AccThis
0000BD    127    Push
0000BE    128    AccField changeState
0000C0    129    ObjCall 1
0000C2    130    AccThis
0000C3    131    Push
0000C4    132    AccField update
0000C6    133    ObjCall 0
0000C8    134    Ret 1

0000CA    135    AccGlobal 9
0000CC    136    Push
0000CD    137    AccGlobal 18
0000CF    138    Push
0000D0    139    AccThis
0000D1    140    Push
0000D2    141    AccField setStateCommand
0000D4    142    ObjCall 2
0000D6    143    Ret 0

0000D8    144    AccGlobal 11
0000DA    145    Push
0000DB    146    AccThis
0000DC    147    Push
0000DD    148    AccField changeState
0000DF    149    ObjCall 1
0000E1    150    Ret 0

0000E3    151    AccGlobal 9
0000E5    152    Ret 0
0000E7    153    Ret 0

0000E9    154    AccGlobal 11
0000EB    155    Ret 0
0000ED    156    Ret 0

0000EF    157    AccThis
0000F0    158    Push
0000F1    159    AccGlobal 7
0000F3    160    SetField __cls_name__
0000F5    161    AccThis
0000F6    162    Push
0000F7    163    AccGlobal 8
0000F9    164    SetField statOwner
0000FB    165    AccThis
0000FC    166    Push
0000FD    167    AccNull
0000FE    168    SetField currState
000100    169    AccThis
000101    170    Push
000102    171    AccNull
000103    172    SetField preState
000105    173    AccThis
000106    174    Push
000107    175    AccGlobal 10
000109    176    SetField setCurrentState
00010B    177    AccThis
00010C    178    Push
00010D    179    AccGlobal 12
00010F    180    SetField setPreviousState
000111    181    AccThis
000112    182    Push
000113    183    AccGlobal 13
000115    184    SetField setStateCommand
000117    185    AccThis
000118    186    Push
000119    187    AccGlobal 16
00011B    188    SetField changeState
00011D    189    AccThis
00011E    190    Push
00011F    191    AccGlobal 17
000121    192    SetField changingState
000123    193    AccThis
000124    194    Push
000125    195    AccGlobal 19
000127    196    SetField update
000129    197    AccThis
00012A    198    Push
00012B    199    AccGlobal 20
00012D    200    SetField revertToPreState
00012F    201    AccThis
000130    202    Push
000131    203    AccGlobal 21
000133    204    SetField getCurrState
000135    205    AccThis
000136    206    Push
000137    207    AccGlobal 22
000139    208    SetField getPreviousState
00013B    209    AccThis
00013C    210    New
00013D    211    Push
00013E    212    AccGlobal 0
000140    213    Push
000141    214    AccThis
000142    215    AccField __cls_name__
000144    216    Hash
000145    217    Push
000146    218    AccStack 2
000148    219    Push
000149    220    AccBuiltin objset
00014B    221    TailCall(3, 4)
00014D    222    Pop 1
00014F    223    Ret 0

000151    224    AccGlobal 2
000153    225    Push
000154    226    AccEnv 0
000156    227    Push
000157    228    AccField createNamespace
000159    229    ObjCall 1
00015B    230    Push
00015C    231    AccStack0
00015D    232    Push
00015E    233    AccGlobal 6
000160    234    SetField ClassA
000162    235    AccStack0
000163    236    Push
000164    237    AccGlobal 23
000166    238    SetField StateMachine
000168    239    Pop 1
00016A    240    Ret 0

00016C    241    AccGlobal 26
00016E    242    Push
00016F    243    AccBuiltin print
000171    244    TailCall(1, 2)
000173    245    Ret 1

000175    246    AccGlobal 28
000177    247    Push
000178    248    AccBuiltin print
00017A    249    TailCall(1, 2)
00017C    250    Ret 1

00017E    251    AccGlobal 30
000180    252    Push
000181    253    AccBuiltin print
000183    254    TailCall(1, 2)
000185    255    Ret 1

000187    256    AccEnv 0
000189    257    AccField cls
00018B    258    Push
00018C    259    AccField ClassA
00018E    260    ObjCall 0
000190    261    AccEnv 0
000192    262    AccField cls
000194    263    Push
000195    264    AccField StateMachine
000197    265    ObjCall 0
000199    266    AccStack1
00019A    267    Push
00019B    268    AccStack1
00019C    269    Hash
00019D    270    Push
00019E    271    AccBuiltin objget
0001A0    272    Call 2
0001A2    273    Push
0001A3    274    AccStack0
0001A4    275    New
0001A5    276    Push
0001A6    277    AccStack0
0001A7    278    Ret 4
0001A9    279    Pop 2
0001AB    280    Ret 2
0001AD    281    AccNull
0001AE    282    New
0001AF    283    SetGlobal 25
0001B1    284    AccGlobal 25
0001B3    285    Push
0001B4    286    SetField enter
0001B6    287    AccGlobal 25
0001B8    288    Push
0001B9    289    SetField execute
0001BB    290    AccGlobal 25
0001BD    291    Push
0001BE    292    SetField exit
0001C0    293    AccNull
0001C1    294    New
0001C2    295    SetGlobal 0
0001C4    296    AccNull
0001C5    297    New
0001C6    298    Push
0001C7    299    AccStack0
0001C8    300    Push
0001C9    301    AccStack1
0001CA    302    Push
0001CB    303    AccGlobal 1
0001CD    304    MakeEnv 1
0001CF    305    SetField createNamespace
0001D1    306    AccStack0
0001D2    307    Push
0001D3    308    AccGlobal 24
0001D5    309    MakeEnv 1
0001D7    310    Push
0001D8    311    AccStack0
0001D9    312    Call 0
0001DB    313    AccGlobal 25
0001DD    314    New
0001DE    315    Push
0001DF    316    Push
0001E0    317    AccGlobal 27
0001E2    318    SetField execute
0001E4    319    AccStack0
0001E5    320    Push
0001E6    321    AccGlobal 29
0001E8    322    SetField enter
0001EA    323    AccStack0
0001EB    324    Push
0001EC    325    AccGlobal 31
0001EE    326    SetField exit
0001F0    327    AccStack0
0001F1    328    Pop 1
0001F3    329    Push
0001F4    330    AccGlobal 0
0001F6    331    Push
0001F7    332    AccGlobal 32
0001F9    333    Hash
0001FA    334    Push
0001FB    335    AccStack 4
0001FD    336    Push
0001FE    337    AccGlobal 33
000200    338    MakeEnv 1
000202    339    Push
000203    340    AccBuiltin objset
000205    341    Call 3
000207    342    JumpIfNot 344
000209    343    AccFalse
00020A    344    JumpIf 353
00020C    345    AccGlobal 0
00020E    346    Push
00020F    347    AccGlobal 7
000211    348    Push
000212    349    AccGlobal 0
000214    350    Push
000215    351    AccField new
000217    352    ObjCall 2
000219    353    Push
00021A    354    AccStack1
00021B    355    Push
00021C    356    AccStack1
00021D    357    Push
00021E    358    AccField setCurrentState
000220    359    ObjCall 1
000222    360    AccStack0
000223    361    Push
000224    362    AccField update
000226    363    ObjCall 0
000228    364    AccStack0
000229    365    Push
00022A    366    AccBuiltin print
00022C    367    Call 1
00022E    368    Pop 4


execute NormalState
{ StateMachine => #function:0, __cls_name__ => exports.cls.StateMachine, revertToPreState => #function:0, setStateCommand => #function:2, currState => null, setCurrentState => #function:1, setPreviousState => #function:1, getCurrState => #function:0, preState => null, update => #function:0, getPreviousState => #function:0, statOwner => null, changingState => #function:1, changeState => #function:1, toString => #function:0, ClassA => #function:0 }

翻译完成后, 需要整理一下原型链的思路, 如何和js或者lua吧原型链继承和查找,是接下来需要面对的问题。

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