MySQL · Community · Congratulations on MySQL 8.0 GA

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简介: It’s great to see MySQL 8.0 has been GA. As a cloud provider in the world, Alibaba Cloud always keeps the pace with Oracle MySQL.

It’s great to see MySQL 8.0 has been GA. As a cloud provider in the world, Alibaba Cloud always keeps the pace with Oracle MySQL. We have provided ApsaraDB MySQL services based on MySQL 5.5, MySQL 5.6 and MySQL5.7. ApsaraDB MySQL services are the most popular for our customers. With MySQL 8.0 GA, we would like to start checking out the GA version and do some tests. Hope we can provide our service based on it soon.

MySQL 8.0 did a huge change. Not only so many new features were introduced but also basic structures such as redo log, undo tablespace etc. do a lot changes. Excellent work. Congratulations on Oracle MySQL team. Of course, such a huge change might give us some pressure on how to deal with upgrade. We will do some tests and see.

As a database service provider, it’s delighted to see MySQL 8.0 has a 1.8M QPS, which has a big performance improvement comparing to MySQL 5.7. UTF8mb4 makes MySQL support more and more character set. It’s also good to see NOWAIT idea from AliSQL has been admitted. There are so many new features we expected. Let’s take a look.

The biggest change in MySQL 8.0 is transactional system table. All of the system tables are stored in InnoDB storage engine. Such a movement can remove the replication problems caused by old MyISAM system tables, such as whole table lock thing etc. We truly believe we will easily develop more and more interesting features based on the transactional system table.

The atomic DDL has been expected for a long time. Before 8.0, DDL causes a lot of inconsistence problems during replication. Such a feature will make the DDL replication easier. This is a big enhancement. Someday, it’s better to see DDL to be transactional. Currently, in order solve this problem, we have to use some indirect solutions.

As you know, JSON is very popular for web users. The JSON_TABLE gives us a powerful way to convert between relational table and JSON. It’s an interesting feature. It will give the NOSQL users a new chance to move to MySQL.

Window functions and CTE are commonly used in other databases. Before 8.0, we always needs a complex work in order to simulate these things. Now, these two features will make our SQL life easier. They are so welcomed.

Histograms were introduced in MySQL 8.0 finally. We hope the cost model can work better. Currently, the histograms need to be created by user. It’s better to make it automatically.

More elegant hints are provided. So many new hints are introduced, which give the users more ways to adjust the query plan.

INVISIBLE Indexes is a very useful feature. It gives users another convenient method to test which query plan is good enough. It also gives the users a way to change the query plan to make one index invisible.

Error logs user defined filters make MySQL convenient to deal with the error log and show the interesting logs to users.

Performance schema is more and more powerful. We can get more internal detailed information in MySQL and monitor the MySQL behavior efficiently. Hope to see little performance regression if it turns on.

InnoDB storage plays more and more role in MySQL. We can see InnoDB does some big changes in MySQL 8.0. The new designed redo log and flexible undo tablespace management make InnoDB higher performance and concurrency.

As a MySQL contributor, the unified code style on server and InnoDB, refactored parser and optimizer make our development more convenient. We would always love to provide high qualified features to contribute MySQL community.

All in all, we can see MySQL is keeping optimizing the performance. We don’t list all the features we are interested in. However, from the above description, we can see the great effort Oracle MySQL did to make MySQL friendly to manage and use. We will do a lot of tests to see if the 8.0 is stable enough in short future. As we always doing, we will keep our focus on providing customers a safe, stable and high performance MySQL service.

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升级到MySQL 8.4,MySQL启动报错:io_setup() failed with EAGAIN
当MySQL 8.4启动时报错“io_setup() failed with EAGAIN”时,通常是由于系统AIO资源不足所致。通过增加AIO上下文数量、调整MySQL配置、优化系统资源或升级内核版本,可以有效解决这一问题。上述解决方案详细且实用,能够帮助管理员快速定位并处理此类问题,确保数据库系统的正常运行。
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MySQL 5.x和MySQL 8.x到底有什么区别?
本文详细对比了MySQL 5.x与MySQL 8.x的主要区别,包括存储引擎改进、性能提升、SQL语法增强(如窗口函数、CTE、JSON支持)、安全性和权限管理、并发及锁机制、InnoDB引擎增强、复制与高可用性等方面的显著差异。通过具体示例展示了8.x版本在企业级应用和高并发场景下的优越表现,建议有条件时尽早升级至MySQL 8.x以充分利用其新特性。
使用阿里云的数据传输服务DTS(Data Transmission Service)进行MySQL 5.6到MySQL 8.0的迁移
【2月更文挑战第29天】使用阿里云的数据传输服务DTS(Data Transmission Service)进行MySQL 5.6到MySQL 8.0的迁移
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MySQL 8.0是MySQL发展的一个重要里程碑。在这个版本中,MySQL Server层的整体架构得到了质的飞跃,通过持续每三个月的迭代和重构工作,使得MySQL在性能和功能上都有了显著的提升。本文将基于MySQL 8.0.25源码,详细介绍MySQL 8.0的最新架构和一些重要的变化。
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想在Flink中使用MySQL 5或MySQL 8
想在Flink中使用MySQL 5或MySQL 8
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