Create an index for a TClientDataSet at runtime

简介: I had originally created the index with the property IndexName and finally found out that this did not select my index.

I had originally created the index with the property IndexName
and finally found out that this did not select my index.
Selecting the index by the property IndexFieldNames worked fine,
as the following source shows.

This is also an example how to create a memory table.. 
  with CDS1 Do
    // Define the fields
    FieldDefs.Add ('Project', ftInteger, 0, True);
    FieldDefs.Add ('Module',  ftString, 60, False);
    FieldDefs.Add ('FuncName',ftString, 60, False);
    FieldDefs.Add ('FuncDate',ftDate,    0, False);
    FieldDefs.Add ('FuncCRC', ftString,  2, False);
    FieldDefs.Add ('Programmer', ftString, 32, False);
    // Define the index
    IndexDefs.Add ('IProject', 'Project;Module;FuncName',
                   [ixPrimary, ixUnique]);
    // this seems not to do anything
    IndexName := 'IProject';

    // this does work
    IndexFieldNames := 'Project;Module;FuncName';

    // Create the dataset

SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: 1146 Table ‘thinkphp.test‘ don‘t exsit
SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: 1146 Table ‘thinkphp.test‘ don‘t exsit
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