UNIX/Linux 系统管理技术手册阅读(七)


2016.8.22 9:00-9:40

The keywords database can become out of date. If you add additional man pages to your system, you may need to rebuild this file with mandb (Ubuntu, SUSE), makewhatis (Red Hat), or catman -w (Solaris, HP-UX, AIX).

  keyword指代的库可能已经过期了。如果要向系统添加man手册页,需要构这个库文件,在Ubuntu、SUSE上使用mandb命令,在Red Hat上使用makewhatis命令,在Solaris、HP-UX和AIX上使用catman-w命令。

1.9.3 Storage of man pages

1.9.3 手册页的保存

nroff input for man pages is usually kept in directories under /usr/share/man. Linux systems compress them with gzip to save space. (The man command knows how to uncompress them on the fly.) The man command maintains a cache of formatted pages in /var/cache/man or /usr/share/man if the appropriate directories are writable, but this is a security risk. Most systems preformat the man pages once at installation time (see catman) or not at all.


Solaris understands man pages formatted with SGML in addition to the traditional nroff. The SGML pages have their own section directories underneath /usr/share/man.


The man command can search several man page repositories to find the manual pages you request. On Linux systems, you can find out the current default search path with the manpath command. This path (from Ubuntu) is typical:


ubuntu$ manpath


If necessary, you can set your MANPATH environment variable to override the default path:

export MANPATH=/home/share/localman:/usr/share/man


Some systems let you set a custom system-wide default search path for man pages,

which can be useful if you need to maintain a parallel tree of man pages such as

those generated by OpenPKG. If you want to distribute local documentation in the form of man pages, however, it is simpler to use your system’s standard packaging mechanism and to put man pages in the standard man directories. See Chapter 12, Software Installation and Management, for more details.


2016.8.23 16:00-16:36

1.9.4 GNU Texinfo

Linux systems include a sort of supplemental on-line man page system called Texinfo. It was invented long ago by the GNU folks in reaction to the fact that the nroff command to format man pages was proprietary to AT&T. These days we have GNU’s own groff to do this job for us and the nroff issue is no longer important, but Texinfo still lumbers along like a zombie in search of human brains.

1.9.4 GNUTexinfo


Although the use of Texinfo seems to be gradually fading, a few GNU packages persist in documenting themselves with Texinfo files rather than man pages. You can pipe the output of the Texinfo reader, info, through less to evade info’s builtin navigation system.


Fortunately, packages that are documented with Texinfo usually install man page stubs that tell you to use the info command to read about those particular packages. You can safely stick to the man command for doing manual searches and delve into info land only when instructed to do so. info info initiates you into the dark mysteries of Texinfo.

  幸运的是,采用Texinfo提供文档的软件包通常会安装指示性的man页面,告诉用户使用info命令来阅读了解那些特殊的软件包。用户可以坚持使用man命令来查找手册,只有在被告知采用info时再这么做,这样的做法很保险。命令info info将会把用户带入Texinfo的黑暗神秘世界。


Man pages are just a small part of the official documentation. Most of the rest, unfortunately, is scattered about on the web.


System-specific guides

Major vendors have their own dedicated documentation projects, and many continue to produce useful book-length manuals. These days the manuals are usually found on-line rather than in the form of printed books. The extent and quality of the documentation vary widely, but most vendors produce at least an administration guide and an installation guide. Table 1.4 shows where to look for each of our example systems.

1.10.1 针对系统的专门指南


The standout in this crowd is IBM, which produces a raft of full-length books on a variety of administration topics. You can buy them as books, but they’re also available for free as downloads. The downside to IBM’s completeness is that many of the documents seem to lag a version or two behind the current release of AIX.




Red Hat is the unfortunate laggard in the documentation race. Most of its documents relate to its proprietary value-added systems rather than to Linux administration generally.

  在文档方面的竞赛中,Red Hat遗憾地落后了。Red Hat的大多数文档都和其专有的有附加值的系统有关系,而不是介绍通用的Linux管理技术。

      本文转自cix123  51CTO博客,原文链接:http://blog.51cto.com/zhaodongwei/1840984,如需转载请自行联系原作者

Linux 数据安全/隐私保护 虚拟化
本文是龙蜥操作系统(Anolis OS) 8.4 的安装指南,用户可以从[龙蜥社区下载页面](https://openanolis.cn/download)获取ISO镜像。安装方法包括物理机的光驱和USB闪存方式,以及虚拟机中的VMware Workstation Pro设置。安装过程涉及选择语言、配置安装目标、选择软件集合和内核,设置Root密码及创建新用户。安装完成后,可通过文本模式或图形化界面验证系统版本,如Anolis OS 8.4,标志着安装成功。
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