Git 集成 Araxis Merge 作为比较和合并GUI工具的配置


更多有关 Araxis Merge的配置,请参考下面原文.


Git (msysGit)

Merge integrates tightly with Git This link is to an external website. Araxis provides a Git File System Plugin to enable Merge to access files in Git depots directly. Merge is also able to populate the Versions button button drop-down versions menu with other revisions of each file being compared. For more information, seeComparing Text Files (or Typed/Pasted Text).

msysGit This link is to an external website can also be configured to use Merge for file comparison and merge operations.

Newer Git versions

As of v1.6.4, Git includes support for Araxis Merge. The following configuration step has been tested using msysGit v1.7.1.

To use Araxis Merge for file comparison and file merging with msysGit v1.6.4 or later:
  • Update the appropriate Git configuration file This link is to an external website by adding the following diff and merge tool configurations:

    tool = araxis
    [difftool "araxis"]
    path = C:\\Program Files\\Araxis\\Araxis Merge\\compare.exe
    tool = araxis
    [mergetool "araxis"]
    path = C:\\Program Files\\Araxis\\Araxis Merge\\compare.exe

    Note: in the above paths, replace C:\\Program Files\\Araxis\\Araxis Merge\\compare.exe with the full path to the Merge compare.exe command-line utility that you have installed on your machine. Note the use of double-backslashes to separate path elements.

  • To compare files, use the  git difftool  This link is to an external website command. To resolve conflicting changes after merging files from a branch or remote repository, use  git mergetool  This link is to an external website.

Legacy Git versions

Versions of msysGit prior to v1.6.4 can be configured to use Merge with the instructions below (tested with msysGit v1.6.1).

To use Araxis merge for file comparison and file merging with older versions of msysGit:
  • Update the appropriate Git configuration file This link is to an external website by adding the following diff tool configuration:

    external = C:\\Program Files\\Araxis\\Araxis Merge\\araxisgitdiff.exe
    renames = true
    [mergetool "araxis"] 
    cmd = 'C:\\Program Files\\Araxis\\Araxis Merge\\araxisgitmerge.exe' "$REMOTE" "$BASE" "$LOCAL" "$MERGED"
    trustExitCode = false
    keepBackup = false
    tool = araxis
    stat = true

    Note: in the above paths, replace C:\\Program Files\\Araxis\\Araxis Merge\\araxisgitdiff.exeand C:\\Program Files\\Araxis\\Araxis Merge\\araxisgitmerge.exe with the full paths to the Merge araxisgitdiff.exe and araxisgitmerge.exe command-line utilities that you have installed on your machine. Note the use of double-backslashes to separate path elements.

  • To compare files using older versions of Git, use the  git diff  This link is to an external website command. To resolve conflicting changes after merging files from a branch or remote repository, use  git mergetool  This link is to an external website.

Git (Cygwin)

Git on Cygwin This link is to an external website can be configured to use Merge for file comparison and merge operations.

The following configuration step has been tested using the Cygwin distribution of Git v1.7.1.

To use Araxis Merge for file comparison and file merging:
  • Update the appropriate Git configuration file This link is to an external website by adding the following diff and merge tool configurations:

    tool = araxis
    [difftool "araxis"]
    cmd = '/cygdrive/c/Program Files/Araxis/Araxis Merge/Compare.exe' /2 /wait `cygpath -w $LOCAL` `cygpath -w $REMOTE`
    tool = araxis
    [mergetool "araxis"]
    cmd = '/cygdrive/c/Program Files/Araxis/Araxis Merge/Compare.exe' /3 /a2 /wait `cygpath -w $REMOTE` `cygpath -w $BASE` `cygpath -w $LOCAL` `cygpath -w $MERGED`

    Note: in the above paths, replace /cygdrive/c/Program Files/Araxis/Araxis Merge/Compare.exe with the full path to the Merge compare.exe command-line utility that you have installed on your machine.

  • To compare files, use the  git difftool  This link is to an external website command. To resolve conflicting changes after merging files from a branch or remote repository, use  git mergetool  This link is to an external website.

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