分享50个很棒的 Photoshop 网页背景设计教程

简介:   漂亮的背景可以让网页增色不少,今天这篇文章要与大家分享的是50个非常有用的 Photoshop 网页背景设计教程,感谢那些优秀的设计师分享这么好的教程,赶紧为你的网页设计一个漂亮的背景吧。 Abstract Kaleidoscope Poster – Photoshop CS5 Abst...

  漂亮的背景可以让网页增色不少,今天这篇文章要与大家分享的是50个非常有用的 Photoshop 网页背景设计教程,感谢那些优秀的设计师分享这么好的教程,赶紧为你的网页设计一个漂亮的背景吧。

Abstract Kaleidoscope Poster – Photoshop CS5

Abstracttutorials10 in Useful Photoshop Tutorials for Designing Abstract Backgrounds

Abstract Starfield Background – Photoshop CS5

Abstracttutorials11 in Useful Photoshop Tutorials for Designing Abstract Backgrounds

Create Abstract Valentine’s Day Card

Abstracttutorials12 in Useful Photoshop Tutorials for Designing Abstract Backgrounds

Create Awesome Abstract Nebula Circle Shape in Photoshop

Abstracttutorials43 in Useful Photoshop Tutorials for Designing Abstract Backgrounds

Create Artistic Abstract Shapes via the Powerful Warp Tool in Photoshop

Abstracttutorials44 in Useful Photoshop Tutorials for Designing Abstract Backgrounds

Easily create planetary ring via cloud and twirl filter in photoshop.

Abstracttutorials45 in Useful Photoshop Tutorials for Designing Abstract Backgrounds

Create Simple Abstract Shining Wave Line

Abstracttutorials47 in Useful Photoshop Tutorials for Designing Abstract Backgrounds

Create a Detailed Meteorite and Surrounding Space Environment in Photoshop

Abstracttutorials42 in Useful Photoshop Tutorials for Designing Abstract Backgrounds

Chroma Wallpapers

Abstracttutorials1 in Useful Photoshop Tutorials for Designing Abstract Backgrounds

Create a Wavy Blackberry Style Wallpaper Design

Abstracttutorials2 in Useful Photoshop Tutorials for Designing Abstract Backgrounds

Abstract Lines Background

Abstracttutorials3 in Useful Photoshop Tutorials for Designing Abstract Backgrounds

Calculations And Colorization

Abstracttutorials4 in Useful Photoshop Tutorials for Designing Abstract Backgrounds

Creating the new retro

Abstracttutorials5 in Useful Photoshop Tutorials for Designing Abstract Backgrounds

Drawing an Abstract Lightbulb

Abstracttutorials6 in Useful Photoshop Tutorials for Designing Abstract Backgrounds

Abstract lighting effects

Abstracttutorials7 in Useful Photoshop Tutorials for Designing Abstract Backgrounds

Space Lighting Effects in 10 Steps

Abstracttutorials8 in Useful Photoshop Tutorials for Designing Abstract Backgrounds

How to Create Brilliant Light Streaks in Photoshop

Abstracttutorials9 in Useful Photoshop Tutorials for Designing Abstract Backgrounds

Create Abstract Colorful Balls illustration in Photoshop CS5

Abstracttutorials13 in Useful Photoshop Tutorials for Designing Abstract Backgrounds

Create Abstract Background with Bokeh effect

Abstracttutorials14 in Useful Photoshop Tutorials for Designing Abstract Backgrounds

Luminescent Lines

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Abstract Background of Colored Bars

Abstracttutorials17 in Useful Photoshop Tutorials for Designing Abstract Backgrounds

Abstract Image

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Cool abstract background

Abstracttutorials20 in Useful Photoshop Tutorials for Designing Abstract Backgrounds

Easy Abstract Photoshop Tutorial

Abstracttutorials21 in Useful Photoshop Tutorials for Designing Abstract Backgrounds

Intense Solar Flare (Filter) Effect

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Create a fantastic background texture

Abstracttutorials23 in Useful Photoshop Tutorials for Designing Abstract Backgrounds

Abstract Airbrushing

Abstracttutorials27 in Useful Photoshop Tutorials for Designing Abstract Backgrounds

Windows Vista Aurora Effect

Abstracttutorials15 in Useful Photoshop Tutorials for Designing Abstract Backgrounds

Wallpaper Effect

Abstracttutorials28 in Useful Photoshop Tutorials for Designing Abstract Backgrounds


Abstracttutorials29 in Useful Photoshop Tutorials for Designing Abstract Backgrounds

Digital Star Effect

Abstracttutorials30 in Useful Photoshop Tutorials for Designing Abstract Backgrounds

Mac-type background

Abstracttutorials31 in Useful Photoshop Tutorials for Designing Abstract Backgrounds

Signature Backgrounds

Abstracttutorials26 in Useful Photoshop Tutorials for Designing Abstract Backgrounds

Colourful Swirl

Abstracttutorials32 in Useful Photoshop Tutorials for Designing Abstract Backgrounds

Colorful Tornado

Abstracttutorials33 in Useful Photoshop Tutorials for Designing Abstract Backgrounds

Abstract Artsy Background

Abstracttutorials34 in Useful Photoshop Tutorials for Designing Abstract Backgrounds

How to create abstract colorful rainbow background

Abstracttutorials35 in Useful Photoshop Tutorials for Designing Abstract Backgrounds

Aurora Borealis – North-South Polar Lights

Abstracttutorials36 in Useful Photoshop Tutorials for Designing Abstract Backgrounds

Design Eye-catching Laser Particle Abstract Effect in Photoshop

Abstracttutorials37 in Useful Photoshop Tutorials for Designing Abstract Backgrounds

Hexagon Bokeh Effect in Photoshop

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Creating Smoke

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Create a Rather Interesting, Wavy and Curving Abstract Shape Effect in Photoshop

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Create beautiful hair-like abstract lines to decorate your design in photoshop.

Abstracttutorials46 in Useful Photoshop Tutorials for Designing Abstract Backgrounds

Create Simple, Yet Elegant Abstract Spectrum Lines

Abstracttutorials48 in Useful Photoshop Tutorials for Designing Abstract Backgrounds

Create a Futuristic Abstract Wallpaper

Abstracttutorials49 in Useful Photoshop Tutorials for Designing Abstract Backgrounds

Creating a Stunning Digital Smoke Effect

Abstracttutorials50 in Useful Photoshop Tutorials for Designing Abstract Backgrounds

How to Create an Interplay of Abstract Light Streaks

Abstracttutorials52 in Useful Photoshop Tutorials for Designing Abstract Backgrounds


(编译来源:梦想天空  原文来自:Useful Photoshop Tutorials for Designing Abstract Backgrounds

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分享25个新鲜出炉的 Photoshop 高级教程
  网络上众多优秀的 Photoshop 实例教程是提高 Photoshop 技能的最佳学习途径。今天,我向大家分享25个新鲜出炉的 Photoshop 高级教程,提高你的设计技巧,制作时尚的图片效果。
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『Photoshop 教程』提高排版技巧的20个文字效果教程
  Photoshop 实例教程是提高 Photoshop 技能的最佳学习途径。今天,我向大家分享最新20个 Photoshop 教程,提高你的排版技巧,制作时尚的文字效果。这些教程可以帮助把你的想法变成现实,并创造新的东西。
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40个新鲜出炉的 Photoshop 优秀教程
  Photoshop 是 Adobe 公司旗下最为出名的图像处理软件之一,集图像扫描、编辑修改、图像制作、广告创意,图像输入与输出于一体的图形图像处理软件。今天,本文与大家分享40非常有用的 Photoshop 教程,相信看完这些教程,你也可以设计出漂亮的图片效果。
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20 超棒的 Photoshop 网站布局设计教程
Photoshop 网页设计的教程是很大的资源,是网页设计快速简便的方法之一。作为一个良好的开端,我们应该善于学习他人在网页设计领域的理解。在这个原则的基础上,你可以参考以下教程,学习Photoshop的新技术和战术的使用。
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60佳优秀的 Photoshop 网页制作教程【下篇】
  Photoshop 作为网页设计利器,是网页设计师必备。曾经和大分享过几篇优秀的 Photoshop 网页制作教程,喜欢的人非常多。今天这篇文章继续向大家分享优秀的 Photoshop 网页制作教程。
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60佳优秀的 Photoshop 网页制作教程【上篇】
  曾经和大分享过几篇优秀的 Photoshop 网页制作教程,喜欢的人非常多。今天这篇文章继续向大家分享更多优秀的 Photoshop 网页制作教程。其实,网页设计并没有你想的那么难,相信看完这些教程,你也可以制作出漂亮的网页。
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20个优秀的 Photoshop 网页制作教程
  曾经和大分享过几篇优秀的 Photoshop 网页设计教程,喜欢的人非常多。今天这篇文章继续向大家分享最新20个优秀的 Photoshop 网页制作教程。其实,网页设计并没有你想的那么难,相信看完这些教程,你也可以设计出漂亮的网页。
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Web App开发 前端开发
25个非常棒的 Photoshop 网页设计教程
  曾经和大分享过几篇优秀的 Photoshop 网页设计教程,喜欢的人非常多。今天,本文继续向大家分享最新25个实用的 Photoshop 网页设计教程。其实,网页设计并没有你想的那么难,相信看完这些教程,你也可以设计出漂亮的网页。
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Web App开发 前端开发
最新20个很棒的 Photoshop 网页设计教程
  在你打开一个网站的时候,首先注意到的当然是它的设计,第一印象至关重要,网站的设计将帮助访问者决定是否继续浏览该网站。今天,本文收集了最新25个 Photoshop 网页设计教程,帮助你设计出更精美的网页。
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