
简介:   通常我们对最终设计至关重要,但在幕后有很多流程,例如草图。 草图是是把想法作为一种思想框架描绘出来。 有时客户需要一个独特的品牌新标识或字体更方便画在纸上,之后扫描到 Photoshop 和 Illustrator。

  通常我们对最终设计至关重要,但在幕后有很多流程,例如草图。 草图是是把想法作为一种思想框架描绘出来。 有时客户需要一个独特的品牌新标识或字体更方便画在纸上,之后扫描到 Photoshop 和 Illustrator。这里分享20个新颖的字体设计草图,带给你灵感。



1. Typography (Creative Mints) by Mike | Creative Mints

20 Amazing Examples of Typography Sketches for Your Inspiration

2. Living Stream by Eddie Lobanovskiy

20 Amazing Examples of Typography Sketches for Your Inspiration

3. Handlettered Logotypes by Mateusz Witczak

20 Amazing Examples of Typography Sketches for Your Inspiration

4. Happy Birthday To You by Ross Moody

20 Amazing Examples of Typography Sketches for Your Inspiration

5. Logo&Type – Handlettering by Mateusz Witczak

20 Amazing Examples of Typography Sketches for Your Inspiration

6. The Sketch Collection Vol02 by Marcelo Schultz

20 Amazing Examples of Typography Sketches for Your Inspiration

7. Awaken Our Hearts – Sketch by Drew Melton

20 Amazing Examples of Typography Sketches for Your Inspiration

8. Hand Type Vol. 14 by Raul Alejandro

20 Amazing Examples of Typography Sketches for Your Inspiration

9. Friday Type 2 – Marceloschultz.Com by Marcelo Schultz

20 Amazing Examples of Typography Sketches for Your Inspiration

10. Fantastic by Olga Vasik

20 Amazing Examples of Typography Sketches for Your Inspiration

11. Sullen Style Play by Ryan Hamrick

20 Amazing Examples of Typography Sketches for Your Inspiration

12. Brush Lettering Collection No. 1 by Neil Secretario

20 Amazing Examples of Typography Sketches for Your Inspiration

13. Sketches & Logos 2013 by Jackson Alves

20 Amazing Examples of Typography Sketches for Your Inspiration

14. Voyager by Pellisco

20 Amazing Examples of Typography Sketches for Your Inspiration

15. Self Portrait by Carl Fredrik Angell

20 Amazing Examples of Typography Sketches for Your Inspiration

16. NSAAFA exhibition of students by Steve Seven

20 Amazing Examples of Typography Sketches for Your Inspiration

17. Moonshine Bandits: Custom Lettering Logo Design by Pale Horse

20 Amazing Examples of Typography Sketches for Your Inspiration

18. Sketches & Logos 2013 by Jackson Alves

20 Amazing Examples of Typography Sketches for Your Inspiration

19. Chronic Creator by Sean McCabe

20 Amazing Examples of Typography Sketches for Your Inspiration

20. Thank God It’s Friday ! by Marcelo Schultz

20 Amazing Examples of Typography Sketches for Your Inspiration




本文链接:20 Amazing Examples of Typography Sketches

文章来源:梦想天空 ◆ 关注前端开发技术 ◆ 分享网页设计资源

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机器学习/深度学习 人工智能 编解码
一周AI最火论文 | 点点手指变换UI设计风格,斯坦福发布基于计算机视觉的UI设计工具
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论文是经过数月或数年实验得到的数据的积淀。 但是,原始数据或描述本身并不能成为好的期刊文章。 数据可视化工具和免费绘图软件能帮助科学家阐述他们的工作。 更好看的插图也可以吸引评审者的眼球。 更重要的是,它能帮助读者快速了解数据,增加引用和分享研究论文的可能性。
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  文章背景,来自[ UI设计交流群 - 92588284 ]的一次探讨,由于个人视野有限,个中观点有失狭隘,仅供参考,欢迎拍砖: 问题一:一个朋友想学UI设计,没有任何基础的,也没有美术功底,想问问有经验的人需要多久能学会?想从事UI设计这方面的工作! 问题二:深圳有好的UI培训班吗? 问题三:我了解的有一个培训的,是上午学画画,下午上课,学习6个月。
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<span style='letter-spacing:1px'>本节书摘来自异步社区《超越平凡的平面设计: 版式设计原理与应用》一书中的怎样运用对比确定字体风格,作者【美】John McWade,更多章节内容可以访问云栖社区“异步社区”公众号查看。</span>
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