CTE(Common Table Expressions)的用法二例

简介: CTE是SQL标准定义的语法,很多主流的数据库都支持,但不包括MySQL。 CTE的作用应该主要有两个,下面用PostgreSQL的例子进行演示。 1. 简化查询的写法,相同的语义用子查询会由于嵌套太深而不易理解。

1. 简化查询的写法,相同的语义用子查询会由于嵌套太深而不易理解。                                                                                        


  1. with tbx(ctid,rank) as (
  2.     select ctid, rank() over (partition by tb.* order by ctid) rank from tb
  3. )
  4. delete from tb where ctid in(select ctid from tbx where rank > 1);

2. 通过递归玩出一些有用又好玩的花样


  2.     VALUES (1)
  3.   UNION ALL
  4.     SELECT n+1 FROM t WHERE n 100
  5. )
  6. SELECT sum(n) FROM t;

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解决which is not functionally dependent on columns in GROUP BY clause;...sql_mode=only_full_group_by
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