Gradle2.0用户指南翻译——第五章. 疑难解答

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第五章. 疑难解答

Chapter 5. Troubleshooting

This chapter is currently a work in progress.

When using Gradle (or any software package), you can run into problems. You may not understand how to use a particular feature, or you may encounter a defect. Or, you may have a general question about Gradle.

This chapter gives some advice for troubleshooting problems and explains how to get help with your problems.

5.1. 解决问题

5.1. Working through problems

If you are encountering problems, one of the first things to try is using the very latest release of Gradle. New versions of Gradle are released frequently with bug fixes and new features. The problem you are having may have been fixed in a new release.

如果您正在使用Gradle守护进程,尝试禁掉守护进程(通过向命令行中传入--no-daemon参数)。更多的内容可参阅 《第十九章, Gradle 守护进程》。 
If you are using the Gradle Daemon, try temporarily disabling the daemon (you can pass the command line switch --no-daemon). More information about troubleshooting daemon is located in Chapter 19, The Gradle Daemon.

5.2. 获取帮助

5.2. Getting help

您可以到Gradle的官方论坛 http://forums.gradle.org来寻求一些帮助。在这里,您可以向Gradle的开发者和其他的社区成员报告您的问题或者是进行提问。 
The place to go for help with Gradle is The Gradle Forums is the place where you can report problems and ask questions to the Gradle developers and other community members.

If something's not working for you, posting a question or problem report to the forums is the fastest way to get help. It's also the place to post improvement suggestions or new ideas. The development team frequently posts news items and announces releases via the forum, making it a great way to stay up to date with the latest Gradle developments.

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