Before You Begin phoneME Feature(MR4)

简介: Before You Begin phoneME Feature(MR4) This document contains the following sections:   * Document Notes and Conventions   * Sett...

Before You Begin phoneME Feature(MR4)

This document contains the following sections:

  * Document Notes and Conventions
  * Setting Variables for Your Build Environment
  * Including Optional Packages in Your Builds
  * Building with the make -C Option

Note: This section contains information you might find useful while working through the phoneME Feature installation process. It is for your information only. If you want to begin downloading and installing the phoneME Feature software right away, see Downloading the phoneME Feature Software Source Code.

Document Notes and Conventions

For your ease of use, this guide uses the following conventions:

  * The document variable %COMPONENTS_DIR% means "the location where you have installed the phoneME Feature software." For example, if you install the phoneME Feature software into the directory /home/chocolate/phoneME_feature, changing directory to %COMPONENTS_DIR%/midp means to change directory to /home/chocolate/phoneME_feature/midp.

  * For all procedures and examples carried out on the Windows platform, the use of Cyg4Me is assumed. Instructions for installing Cyg4Me are provided here.

Setting Variables for Your Build Environment

Preparing your build environment requires you to set environment variables for your Windows x86 build platforms. The specific variables that need to be set are described in the remainder of this document.

Build environment variables can be set in two ways:

  * As a system variable
  * On the command-line, when you run make

Setting System Variables

On a Windows x86 build platform, a system variable is set in the following way:

  $ set VARIABLE=value

  For example, to set the TARGET_CPU as a system variable on a Windows x86 platform, type:

  $ set TARGET_CPU=i386

Setting Command-Line Variables

On a Windows x86 build platform, a command-line variable is set in the following way:

  $ make VARIABLE=value make_target

  For example, to set TARGET_CPU on a make command-line for a Windows x86 platform, use the following format:

  $ make TARGET_CPU=i386 all

Note: Typing make on the command-line by itself is the same as typing make all.
Including Optional Packages in Your Builds
Optional packages can be included in the JavaCall porting layer and phoneME Feature software client builds by adding the appropriate optional package variable pairs to the make command line.

To do this, use the following variable format, where XXX is the JSR number:

  * USE_JSR_XXX=true
  * JSR_XXX_DIR=path-to-jsr-source 

For example, to build the JavaCall porting layer to include JSR 120 (Wireless Messaging APIs), the make command-line looks like this:

  $ make USE_JSR_120=true JSR_120_DIR=%COMPONENTS_DIR%/jsr120 

Note: For optional packages with two-digit numbers, the format is USE_JSR_XX and JSR_XX_DIR.

In addition to the JSR variables shown above, you must also use the following variables when building optional packages:

  * ABSTRACTIONS_DIR=path-to-abstractions-directory 

Certain JSRs have dependencies that must also be taken into consideration when building optional packages. For example, to properly build JSR 234, Advanced Multimedia Supplements API, you must also build JSR 135, Mobile Media API and JSR 75, File Connection and Personal Information Management API.

Other variables are also required to build JSR 234. For more information on using optional package variables and the dependencies between specific optional packages, see Sun Java Wireless Client Software Build Guide.

Note: If one (or more) optional packages are included in the phoneME Feature software client build, the same optional packages must be included when building the JavaCall porting layer. Builds for the PCSL and CLDC components do not require the inclusion of optional packages, even if optional packages are included in the JavaCall and phoneME Feature software client builds.

Building With the make -C Option

When using make to build the JavaCall porting layer, PCSL, CLDC, and phoneME Feature software, the -C option is used to specify the directory where the build is performed. Using the -C option enables you to build in the correct location without changing to the build directory before the build is launched.

For improved usability, this guide directs you to change to the build directory before building a component. However, if you choose, you can launch your build from any directory using the make -C option.

For example, if the build directory for building the JavaCall porting layer on a Windows x86 target platform in the phoneME Feature client is %COMPONENTS_DIR%/midp/build/javacall, and you want to build from any directory, enter the following:

  $ make -C %COMPONENTS_DIR%/midp/build/javacall flag1 flag2 flag3 

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