cloud maintenance of OpenNebula

简介: OpenNebula 4.4.1 maintenance release,官方建议当前的生产环境使用3.x or 4.x的其它版本; php调用curl工具伪造ip   Upgrading from OpenNebula4.

OpenNebula 4.4.1 maintenance release,官方建议当前的生产环境使用3.x or 4.x的其它版本;


  Upgrading from OpenNebula4.4 just upgrading the database version procedure following:


VMs in a transient state (prolog, migr, epil, save).

VMs get to a final state (runn, suspended, stopped, done).

VM life-cycle Documentation


Stop OpenNebula and related services,EC2, OCCI, and Sunstone

$ sunstone-server stop
$ oneflow-server stop
$ econe-server stop
$ occi-server stop
$ one stop

注,located configurtion files in /etc/one 自动备份;


database upgrade

当部署或是升级中 with the message "database version mismatch", upgrading existing DB with  the "onedb" command 或是指定任何版本的sqlite or mysql



在最后的OpenNebula4.4中,你可以运行"onedb upgrade -v"解决oned.conf配置中可能存在的冲突;


$ onedb upgrade -v --sqlite /var/lib/one/one.db
$ onedb upgrade -v -S localhost -u oneadmin -p oneadmin -d opennebula

具体one CLI(command line interface)
5,数据库升级完成以后用onedb fsck检测数据系统的一致性
$ onedb fsck -S localhost -u oneadmin -p oneadmin -d opennebula


OpenNebula will continue the monitoring and management of your previous Hosts and VMs.

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