
oepe111130_wls1032_win32.exe -mode=silent -silent_xml=d:\test\silent.xml
-mode 指定安装方式为静默安装,一定为silent.
-silent_xml 指定配置文件。文件配置原本在图形化安装时的需要的设定。例如:WLS_INSTALL_DIR设定Weblogic Server的安装目录全路径。
<? xml  version ="1.0"  encoding ="UTF-8"  ?>    
- <!--     Silent installer option: -mode=silent -silent_xml=C:\bea\silent.xml    
- <!--     
Specify values for each data-value name as follows: 
BEAHOME Complete pathname to the BEA Home directory that 
will contain this installation. 
WLS_INSTALL_DIR Complete pathname to the product installation 
directory in which to install WebLogic Server. 
COMPONENT_PATHS Components and subcomponents to be installed. 
To install multiple components, separate the components 
with a bar (|). 
To install subcomponents, specify a 
component/subcomponent combination. For example, 
to install Core Application Server, use 
"WebLogic Server/Core Application Server". 
INSTALL_NODE_MANAGER_SERVICE Install Node Manager as a Windows 
service. The default is "no". 
Requires Administrator privileges. 
NODEMGR_PORT Node Manager listen port number. If none specified, 
installer uses default port 5556. 
INSTALL_NODE_MANAGER_SERVICE must be set to "yes". 
The Windows Start menu folder in which you want the 
Start menu shortcuts created. 
The user performing the installation must have 
Administrator privileges to install the shortcuts 
in the All Users folder. 
Possible values: 
true/yes The shortcuts are created in 
the All Users folder (default) 
false/no The shortcuts are created in 
the local user's folder 
Option to select BEA bundled JVMS (for e.g. either 
jrockit_160_05 or jdk160_05 for Windows and Linux 
platforms). The default value is all BEA bundled JVMs 
for selected platform. 
A-2 Oracle Fusion Middleware Installation Guide for Oracle WebLogic Server 
Option to select supported JVM, which is already 
installed.Note: The presence of either(BEA_BUNDLED_JVMS 
or LOCAL_JVMS) or both of these tokens negates any 
default selection and only sets the values assigned for 
these tokens as user selection. The value of the token 
can be a pipe ('|') separated JavaHomes. 
See the Installation Guide for more information. 

< bea-installer > 
< input-fields > 
     < data-value  name ="BEAHOME"  value ="e:\weblogic"  />    
     < data-value  name ="WLS_INSTALL_DIR"  value ="e:\weblogic\wlserver_10.3"  />    
     < data-value  name ="COMPONENT_PATHS"  value ="WebLogic Server/Core Application Server|WebLogic Server/Administration Console|WebLogic Server/Configuration Wizard and Upgrade Framework|WebLogic Server/Configuration Wizard and Upgrade Framework|WebLogic Server/Web 2.0 HTTP Pub-Sub Server|WebLogic Server/WebLogic JDBC Drivers"  />    
     < data-value  name ="INSTALL_NODE_MANAGER_SERVICE"  value ="yes"  />    
     < data-value  name ="NODEMGR_PORT"  value ="5559"  />    
     < data-value  name ="INSTALL_SHORTCUT_IN_ALL_USERS_FOLDER"  value ="yes"  />    
- <!--  <data-value name="LOCAL_JVMS"value="D:\jrockit_160_05|D:\jdk160_11"/> 

     </ input-fields > 
     </ bea-installer >
CMD下切换到oepe111130_wls1032_win32.exe 所在目录,
运行oepe111130_wls1032_win32.exe -mode=silent -silent_xml=d:\test\silent.xml

2010-05-12 15:46:10,893 INFO    [readSilentXML] com.bea.plateng.wizard.installer.common.parsers.TemplateParser - Silent xml file processed successfully... 
2010-05-12 15:46:15,408 ERROR [home] com.bea.plateng.wizard.installer.helpers.BEAHomeHelper - Error setting selections! 
com.bea.cie.gpr.model.RegistryException: Unable to locate product "WebLogic Server" and component "Core Application Server " 
at com.bea.cie.gpr.internal.model.HomeTargetImpl.setSelections(HomeTargetImpl.java:337) 
at com.bea.plateng.wizard.installer.helpers.BEAHomeHelper.buildTarget(BEAHomeHelper.java:155) 


2010-05-12 15:18:29,001 ERROR [home] com.bea.plateng.wizard.installer.silent.tasks.SilentBEAHomeTask - 本地 BEA 产品注册表 已损坏。请选择另一个中间件主目录或者与 Oracle 支持部门联系 
错误。查了很多资料也没找到答案。后来发现是“Core Application Server  ”多了一个空格。去除之后安装正常, 所以要多注意。

本文转自 anranran 51CTO博客,原文链接:http://blog.51cto.com/guojuanjun/314549

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