《Essential Linux Device Drivers》序(中英文)

If you're holding this book, you may be asking yourself: Why "yet another" Linux device driver book? Aren't there already a bunch of them? 
The answer is: This book is a quantum leap ahead of the others. 
First, it is up-to-date, covering recent 2.6 kernels. Second, and more important, this book is thorough. Most device driver books just cover the topics described in standard Unix internals books or operating system books, such as serial lines, disk drives, and filesystems, and, if you're lucky, the networking stack. 
This book goes much further; it doesn't shy away from the hard stuff that you have to deal with on modern PC and embedded hardware, such as PCMCIA, USB, I2C, video, audio, flash memory, wireless communications, and so on. You name it, if the Linux kernel talks to it, then this book tells you about it. 
No stone is left unturned; no dark corner is left unilluminated. 
Furthermore, the author has earned his stripes: It's a thrill ride just to read his description of putting Linux on a wristwatch in the late 1990s! 
I'm pleased and excited to have this book as part of the Prentice Hall Open Source Software Development Series. It is a shining example of the exciting things happening in the Open Source world. I hope that you will find here what you need for your work on the kernel, and that you will enjoy the process, too! 
Arnold Robbins
Series Editor

如果你手上正拿着这本书,你也许会问自己:为什么还要有另一本 Linux 设备驱动的书 ? 这样的书不是已经有一捆了吗?
首先,这本书与时俱进,它基于最新的 2.6 内核进行讲解。再者,更值得称道的是,这本书对驱动的讲解非常彻底。大不多设备驱动的书籍仅仅讲解了标准的 Unix 内核书籍或操作系统书籍中论述的主题,譬如串口、磁盘驱动和文件系统等,如果你运气好的话,它可能也会讲解网络协议栈。但是这本书却走地更远,它直面了你在现代 PC 和嵌入式系统中会遇到的 PCMCIA USB I2C 、视频、音频、 Flash 存储器、无线通信等硬件设备,而不是“犹抱琵琶半掩面”。你可以这样定位这本书:如果 Linux 内核包含了什么,这本书就会告诉你什么。
进而,本书的作者赢得了他的荣耀:读到他在 20 世纪 90 年代末期就将 Linux 移植到某种手表上的故事就像在进行一次惊险的奇幻之旅。本书能成为 Prentice Hall  出版社 开源开发系列图书的一部分,我感到非常高兴。在开放源代码领域发生这样的事情,令人振奋,它将成为开源领域的光辉典范。
Arnold Robbins

 本文转自 21cnbao 51CTO博客,原文链接:http://blog.51cto.com/21cnbao/120000,如需转载请自行联系原作者

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