Elasticsearch: Five Things I was Doing Wrong

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Elasticsearch: Five Things I was Doing Wrong

Update: Also check out my series on scaling Elasticsearch.

I’ve been working with Elasticsearch off and on for over a year, but recently I attended Elasticsearch.com’s training class (well worth the time and money) and discovered a few significant things that I was doing just plain wrong.

Before using Elasticsearch I used Lucene directly, and so a few of the errors I made were due to not understanding some of the things ES does for you behind the scenes.

As background, most of the data I’m indexing conforms to the WordPress database schema.

1. Use Arrays for Fields with Multiple Values

For some reason I had neglected to use arrays when creating fileds such as a list of tags attached to a document. At some point I started concatenating the tags together into a long string separated by semicolons and I used a custom analyzer to break them apart like this:

"analysis"  : {
   "tokenizer"  : {
     "semicolon_token"  : {
       "type"  => "pattern" ,
       "pattern"  => ";"
   } },
   "analyzer"  : {
     "wp_tag_analyzer"  : {
       "type"  => "custom" ,
       "tokenizer"  => "semicolon_token" ,
   } }

Or, for fields that were lists of URLs I just separated them by spaces and used the whitespace analyzer. Both methods worked fine for the initial applications, but have some obvious drawbacks. Explicitly inserting a character sequence as a delimiter will almost always means you will hit an edge case somewhere down the road where it will break.

Using an array of items is a much easier way, but somehow, after initially reading about the array mapping, I completely forgot that it existed. I think I was thinking of ES too much as a text searching engine and not enough as a general JSON data store.

2. Don’t Use store=true When Mapping Fields

If you are storing the full _source of the document, then there is very little reason to store individual fields separately. You just inflate your index size. I originally started storing the content and titles of documents because I thought it might speed up the highlighting. In practice, I don’t think it did anything for me, and many of our queries don’t do any highlighting at all.

In the end this was a case of premature optimization. Maybe at some point if I find that 90% of the time we are just returning the post_id and using that to lookup the original content in MySQL we’ll consider storing that separately to reduce network traffic and load caused by extracting the post_id field from _source, but that still feels premature at this point.

For debugging reasons I would never consider turning off storing _source. It is far too useful to know exactly what data was entered, and you never know when you might want to use a different field for a new application.

3. Don’t Manually Flush, Optimize, or Refresh

Elasticsearch takes care of these core Lucene operations for me, there was never any good reason for me to issue one of these commands when the default ES settings would accomplish it within a few minutes.

The optimize command in particular is dangerous since it merges all segments in the Lucene index (a very time consuming operation). The code I wrote which at first was issuing innocuous optimize commands after doing some bulk indexing by hand eventually started getting called repeatedly in automated jobs. Fortunately it never rose to a level of causing real problems, but its easy for code you write to get unintentionally called.

Again, this was a case of premature optimization.

4. Set the Appropriate Production Flags

This is another case that didn’t cause a real issue, but could have in the future. The default settings for ES are set to ensure it works to quickly start development. This means that a few of the default settings are not what you want when in production. In particular:

  • discovery.zen.minimum_master_nodes
    • Should be set to something like N/2 + 1 where N is the number of available master nodes.
  • action.disable_delete_all_indices
    • Do you really want to allow a single command (that could be mistyped) to delete all of your indices? No, neither do I.
  • gateway.recover_after_nodes
    • How many nodes need to be up before the recovery process starts replicating data around the cluster.
  • index.cache.field.type: soft (in 0.90 this field name changed to index.fielddata.cache. Thanks Olivier for the heads up.)
    • I started setting my field cache to soft to ensure that it never created OutOfMemory errors. I think this was particularly helpful because we are doing a lot of faceting.
    • Update 2014-01-09: the indices.fielddata.cache.size setting introduced in 0.90 is a better way to prevent running into OutOfMemory exceptions due to the field cache getting too big. I am no longer using the soft field data cache.

5. Do Not Use _type as Another Field

The _type field can entice you to use it as another field to indicate a category for your document. Don’t let it.

Here’s where I went wrong. WordPress posts can have different types (post_type) which allow displaying the content of the post in different ways (e.g. image posts, video posts, quotes, a status message). This despite the different post types all using the same schema. This seemed to align pretty well with the _type fields so I used an ES dynamic mapping to have post_type == _type.

The biggest problem with this is how do you determine the document’s _type after a post has been deleted from the database and you want to also delete it from your index. A document is uniquely identified both by its _id and its _type.

  • If you delete from your RDBMS first (or NoSQL data store flavor of the month), then you may no longer have the _type available to delete the object.
  • If you delete from ES first then what if the RDBMS delete operation fails for some reason.

Making the _type independent of any data within the document ensures that all you will need is the document id. This was one of those “Oh, that was dumb of me” bugs that I completely missed when building my index.




ElasticSearch 入门精讲
ElasticSearch是一个开源的、基于Lucene的、分布式、高扩展、高实时的搜索与数据分析引擎。根据DB-Engines的排名显示,Elasticsearch是最受欢迎的企业搜索引擎,其次是Apache Solr(也是基于Lucene)。 ElasticSearch的实现原理主要分为以下几个步骤: 用户将数据提交到Elastic Search 数据库中 通过分词控制器去将对应的语句分词,将其权重和分词结果一并存入数据 当用户搜索数据时候,再根据权重将结果排名、打分 将返回结果呈现给用户 Elasticsearch可以用于搜索各种文档。它提供可扩展的搜索,具有接近实时的搜索,并支持多租户。
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