ten sentences(81-90)


81. I'll be back soon 我马上回来。

82. I'll check it out  我去查查看。

83. It's a long story 说来话长。

84. Just wait and see 等着瞧

85. Make up your mind 做个决定吧

86. That's all I need   我就要这些

87. The view is great 景色多么漂亮

88. The wall has ears  隔墙有耳

89. There comes a bus 汽车来了

90. What day is today? 今天是星期几?



LeetCode 334. Increasing Triplet Subsequence
给定一个未排序的数组,判断这个数组中是否存在长度为 3 的递增子序列。 数学表达式如下: 如果存在这样的 i, j, k, 且满足 0 ≤ i < j < k ≤ n-1, 使得 arr[i] < arr[j] < arr[k] ,返回 true ; 否则返回 false 。
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LeetCode 334. Increasing Triplet Subsequence
【LeetCode】Increasing Triplet Subsequence(334)
  Given an unsorted array return whether an increasing subsequence of length 3 exists or not in the array.
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