天籁之音《Night Prayer》



Night Prayer 《黑夜祈祷》


This lonely road I am walking on 荒僻的路上,我走向前方
Where did it begin? Where will it end? 始于何处?又将归于何方?
And when the dark night comes 夜幕何时沉降?
Who will save my soul? 谁来抚慰心伤?
On my lonely road will I walk alone?  这寂寞之路,难道我将继续独行?

I never feared darkness coming near 我从不畏惧被黑暗所包围
Now I don’t know why I behold the sky 现在我却迷茫,我竟凝望天空
To find the brightest star 想要去找到那最亮的星
With it’s brilliant light 在灿烂的光芒下
So I pray to thee, will you shine on me? 向它祈愿:能否照亮我的前方?

Mother Moonlight, fill my scared eyes 慈母般的月光,洒满我恐慌的双眼
Light up my way with your brightest ray
Shining on everything through the clouds 用那穿越重重云层照亮万物的柔和光芒,点燃我的道路
Take my hands ‘till the morning will come 握着我的双手,直到清晨的来临

This dusty road where I walk alone 风沙弥漫的路上,我继续独行
With my restless heart and my tired bones 怀着难以平静的心情,拖着疲惫不堪的身躯
It’s going on and on 这旅途似乎永无止境
But I know for sure 但是我坚信不移
That it’s leading me to the world of dreams 它正指引着我迈向梦想世界

This lonely road I am walking on
(You are not alone When you leave your home 你并不孤独,当你离开家)
Where did it begin?Where will it end?
(And you’re far away On a dusty way 在风沙弥漫的路上越走越远)
And when the dark night comes?
(I will always care 我一直担心着你)
Who will save my soul?
(And I will be there 我会来你身边)
On my lonely road will I walk alone?
(Every time you call…call my name… 在你每一次呼唤……呼唤我名字之时....)

I never feared darkness coming near
(You are not alone When you leave your home)
Now I don’t know why I behold the sky
(And you’re far away On a dusty way)
To find the brightest star
(I will always care)
with it’s brilliant light
(And I will be there)
So I pray to thee,will you shine on me?
(Every time you call…call my name…)

这首歌我在网上发现了两版不同的翻译,个人认为一个直译过度还加了很多口水话,另一个翻译的第一段精彩(我几乎原封不动的使用),尤其是将”Who will save my soul?“译为“谁来抚慰心伤?”,很有感觉,简直让人拍案叫绝。但是之后断句翻译,意译过度,用词过于华丽了甚至最后完全乱来,比如最后一句“And I will be there /Every time you call…/call my name…”被断句华丽的意译为“我就在不远之处/每次你的声音发出……将我的名颂读...”,什么玩意儿嘛。还有更夸张的华丽,“And you’re far away / On a dusty way”华丽转身后变成“行千里积跬步/那里沙尘起舞”。



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