AHCI: Failed to attach drive to Port1 (VERR_GENERAL_FAILURE).


在mac操作系统下,安装VirtualBoxVm虚拟机,虚拟机里面安装wind7操作系统.在启动虚拟机的时候报错:AHCI: Failed to attach drive to Port1 (VERR_GENERAL_FAILURE)   最后发现问题,原来我没有选择window7的镜像文件.......



Kubernetes Linux 容器
【kubernetes】修复 systemctl status sshd Failed to get D-Bus connection: Operation not permitted
【kubernetes】修复 systemctl status sshd Failed to get D-Bus connection: Operation not permitted
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iOS开发 MacOS
mac AnyConnect 连接报错 Posture Assessment Failed: Hostscan Initialize error.
mac AnyConnect 连接报错 Posture Assessment Failed: Hostscan Initialize error.
mac AnyConnect 连接报错 Posture Assessment Failed: Hostscan Initialize error.
存储 Cloud Native Linux
Failed to open/create the internal network ‘HostInterfaceNetworking-VirtualBox Host-Only Ethernet
Failed to open/create the internal network ‘HostInterfaceNetworking-VirtualBox Host-Only Ethernet
Docker 容器
docker 内执行 systemctl 报错 解决方案: Failed to get D-Bus connection: Operation not permitted
docker 内部安装 systemctl 工具包的路径非系统路径,拷贝到系统路径 /bin/ 目录下,并且给执行权限即可
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failed to start lsb:bring up/down
centos 7 有的时候重启网络报错,failed to start lsb:bring up/down 解决方法: systemctl stop NetworkManager
开发工具 Android开发
解决bug:使用Genymotion模拟器时,出现Unable to create virtual device: Connection timeout occurred
解决bug:使用Genymotion模拟器时,出现Unable to create virtual device: Connection timeout occurred
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解决bug:使用Genymotion模拟器时,出现Unable to create virtual device: Connection timeout occurred
Symantec Backup Exec Agent 推送错误Error connecting to the remote computer. Ensure that the computer is available, has WMI enabled and is not blocked by a
如果在Symantec Backup Server上推送Symantec Backup Exec Agent到数据库服务器遇到“"Error connecting to the remote computer. Ensure that the computer is available, has WMI enabled and is not blocked by a firewall"这个错误, 如下截图所示     那么完全可以参考下面官方提供的三个解决方案解决问题,几次碰到这个问题,每次都要搜索一下,特此记录一下,方便以后查找。
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