微软SQL Server 2008开发人员的内部培训资料

云数据库 RDS SQL Server,独享型 2核4GB


SQL Server 2008 Developer Training Kit

Brief Description

The SQL Server 2008 Developer Training Kit will help you understand how to build web applications which deeply exploit the rich data types, programming models and new development paradigms in SQL Server 2008.


SQL Server 2008 offers an impressive array of capabilities for developers that build upon key innovations introduced in SQL Server 2005. The  SQL Server 2008 Developer Training Kit  will help you understand how to build web applications which deeply exploit the rich data types, programming models and new development paradigms in SQL Server 2008. The training kit is brought to you by Microsoft Developer and Platform Evangelism. 

Overview and Benefits 
The training kit offers the following benefits: 
  • Learn how to build web applications that exploit the unique features and capabilities of SQL Server 2008.
  • Provides a comprehensive set of presentations, demos and hands-on labs
  • Designed for web developers who are already familiar with SQL Server application development.
  • Easy to download and install and works on free editions of SQL Server 2008 and Visual Studio 2008.

Intended Audience 
The training kit is designed for the following technical roles:
  • Web developers who build applications for the Microsoft platform.
  • Microsoft evangelists, technical specialists and consultants.

The training kit includes the following content:
  • Presentations (6)
    • Filestream
    • Spatial
    • T-SQL
    • Date and Time Types
    • SQLCLR
    • Reporting Services
  • Demos (12)
    • AdventureWorks Racing All-Up SQL Server 2008 Demo
    • SQL Server 2008 All-Up Spatial Demo
    • Spatial Types Demo
    • Intro to Filestream Demo
    • SQL CLR Nullable Types Demo
    • Programming with Filestream Demo
    • Reporting Services Web Application Integration Demo
    • Date and Time Support in SQL Server 2008 Demo
    • T-SQL Table-Valued Parameters Demo
    • T-SQL Row Constructors Demo
    • T-SQL Grouping Sets Demo
    • T-SQL Merge Demo
  • Hands-on Labs (3)
    • Using Spatial Data in TSQL
    • Using Spatial Data in Managed Code
    • Using SQL CLR in SQL Server 2008

SQL Server on Linux入门教程
SQL Server数据库一直只提供Windows下的版本。2016年微软宣布推出可运行在Linux系统下的SQL Server数据库,该版本目前还是早期预览版本。本课程主要介绍SQLServer On Linux的基本知识。 相关的阿里云产品:云数据库RDS SQL Server版 RDS SQL Server不仅拥有高可用架构和任意时间点的数据恢复功能,强力支撑各种企业应用,同时也包含了微软的License费用,减少额外支出。 了解产品详情: https://www.aliyun.com/product/rds/sqlserver
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