35.7. ERROR 1820 (HY000): You must reset your password using ALTER USER statement before executing this statement.


这个错误来自 MySQL 5.7,首次登陆MySQL 5.7 必须修改密码

ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'your_password';		

原文出处:Netkiller 系列 手札

SQL 关系型数据库 数据库
DB2 SQL Error: SQLCODE=-302, SQLSTATE=22001, SQLERRMC=null
DB2 SQL Error: SQLCODE=-302, SQLSTATE=22001, SQLERRMC=null
111 0
移动开发 JSON 关系型数据库
ERROR 1290 (HY000): The MySQL server is running with the --secure-file-priv option so it cannot execute this statement
ERROR 1290 (HY000): The MySQL server is running with the --secure-file-priv option so it cannot execute this statement
关系型数据库 MySQL 数据安全/隐私保护
MySQL:ERROR 1819 (HY000): Your password does not satisfy the current policy requirements
MySQL:ERROR 1819 (HY000): Your password does not satisfy the current policy requirements
101 0
关系型数据库 MySQL 数据库
[Err] 1143 - SELECT command denied to user 'XX'@'%' for column 'XXX' in table 'XX'
[Err] 1143 - SELECT command denied to user 'XX'@'%' for column 'XXX' in table 'XX'
220 0
[Err] 1143 - SELECT command denied to user 'XX'@'%' for column 'XXX' in table 'XX'
SQL 数据库
SQL logic error or missing database no such table: xxx
原文:SQL logic error or missing database no such table: xxx System.
3050 0