JQuery Basic Features Quick Walkthrough

简介: 1. Basic Selectors $('p')—Accesses all the paragraph elements in the HTML file $('div')—Accesses all the div elements in the HTML file...

1. Basic Selectors

  • $('p')—Accesses all the paragraph elements in the HTML file

  • $('div')—Accesses all the div elements in the HTML file

  • $('#A')—Accesses all the HTML elements with id=A

  • $('.b')—Accesses all the HTML elements with class=b


2. Applying CSS to Elements 



3. Some basic selection APIs

// select all the elements that contain the text Life



4. Obtaining the HTML of an Element 



5. Changing the Content of a DOM Node 

$('#textId').text('some text content');

$('p').html('<b>We can create Rich Internet Applications </b><br/>by making AJAX requests');


6. Creating a DOM Node on the Fly 

1) Inserts the specified content at the beginning of the selected element and returns a jQuery object 

$('p').prepend('<h2> Power of selectors </h2>');


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