MySQL · myrocks · 相关tools介绍

云原生数据库 PolarDB MySQL 版,Serverless 5000PCU 100GB
云原生数据库 PolarDB 分布式版,标准版 2核8GB
云数据库 RDS MySQL Serverless,0.5-2RCU 50GB
简介: 概述MyRocks提供了丰富的tools,如sst_dump, mysql_ldb等,这些工具对我们的运维和分析问题非常有用。sst_dump 可以导出sst中的数据和属性信息。sst_dump --helpsst_dump --file= [--command=check|scan|...


MyRocks提供了丰富的tools,如sst_dump, mysql_ldb等,这些工具对我们的运维和分析问题非常有用。

sst_dump 可以导出sst中的数据和属性信息。

sst_dump --help

sst_dump --file=<data_dir_OR_sst_file> [--command=check|scan|raw]
      Path to SST file or directory containing SST files

        check: Iterate over entries in files but dont print anything except if an error is encounterd (default command)
        scan: Iterate over entries in files and print them to screen
        raw: Dump all the table contents to <file_name>_dump.txt
        verify: Iterate all the blocks in files verifying checksum to detect possible coruption but dont print anything except if a corruption is encountered
        recompress: reports the SST file size if recompressed with different
                    compression types

      Can be combined with scan command to print the keys and values in Hex

      Key to start reading from when executing check|scan

      Key to stop reading at when executing check|scan

      Returns all keys with this prefix when executing check|scan
      Cannot be used in conjunction with --from

      Maximum number of entries to read when executing check|scan

      Verify file checksum when executing check|scan

      Can be combined with --from and --to to indicate that these values are encoded in Hex

      Print table properties after iterating over the file when executing

      Can be combined with --command=recompress to set the block size that will
      be used when trying different compression algorithms

    --compression_types=<comma-separated list of CompressionType members, e.g.,
      Can be combined with --command=recompress to run recompression for this
      list of compression types

      Convenience option to parse an internal key on the command line. Dumps the
      internal key in hex format {'key' @ SN: type}

mysql_ldb 工具功能非常强大,可以解析rocksdb各类文件,sst, manifest, wal等; 可以写入和查询数据;还提供了一些维护功能,详见如下help信息

bin/mysql_ldb --help
ldb - RocksDB Tool

commands MUST specify --db=<full_path_to_db_directory> when necessary

The following optional parameters control if keys/values are input/output as hex or as plain strings:
  --key_hex : Keys are input/output as hex
  --value_hex : Values are input/output as hex
  --hex : Both keys and values are input/output as hex

The following optional parameters control the database internals:
  --column_family=<string> : name of the column family to operate on. default: default column family
  --ttl with 'put','get','scan','dump','query','batchput' : DB supports ttl and value is internally timestamp-suffixed
  --try_load_options : Try to load option file from DB.
  --ignore_unknown_options : Ignore unknown options when loading option file.

Data Access Commands:
  put <key> <value>  [--ttl]
  get <key> [--ttl]
  batchput <key> <value> [<key> <value>] [..] [--ttl]
  scan [--from] [--to]  [--ttl] [--timestamp] [--max_keys=<N>q]  [--start_time=<N>:- is inclusive] [--end_time=<N>:- is exclusive] [--no_value]
  delete <key>
  deleterange <begin key> <end key>
  query [--ttl]
    Starts a REPL shell.  Type help for list of available commands.
  approxsize [--from] [--to]

Admin Commands:
  dump_wal --walfile=<write_ahead_log_file_path> [--header]  [--print_value]
  compact [--from] [--to]
  reduce_levels --new_levels=<New number of levels> [--print_old_levels]
  change_compaction_style --old_compaction_style=<Old compaction style: 0 for level compaction, 1 for universal compaction> --new_compaction_style=<New compaction style: 0 for level compaction, 1 for universal compaction>
  dump [--from] [--to]  [--ttl] [--max_keys=<N>] [--timestamp] [--count_only] [--count_delim=<char>] [--stats] [--bucket=<N>] [--start_time=<N>:- is inclusive] [--end_time=<N>:- is exclusive] [--path=<path_to_a_file>]
  load [--create_if_missing] [--disable_wal] [--bulk_load] [--compact]
  manifest_dump [--verbose] [--json] [--path=<path_to_manifest_file>]
  list_column_families full_path_to_db_directory
  idump [--from] [--to]  [--input_key_hex] [--max_keys=<N>] [--count_only] [--count_delim=<char>] [--stats]
  backup [--backup_env_uri]  [--backup_dir]  [--num_threads]  [--stderr_log_level=<int (InfoLogLevel)>]
  restore [--backup_env_uri]  [--backup_dir]  [--num_threads]  [--stderr_log_level=<int (InfoLogLevel)>]
  checkpoint [--checkpoint_dir]

Note: ldb是rocksdb自带的工具,其功能和mysql_ldb一致。但mysql_ldb使用了MyRocks的comparactor, 因此推荐使用mysql_ldb


create table t1( c1 int , c2 int, c3 varchar(10), primary key (c1), key
idx1(c2)) engine=rocksdb;
insert t1 values (1,101,'A');
insert t1 values (2,102,'B');
insert t1 values (3,103,'C');
insert t1 values (4,104,'D');
insert t1 values (5,105,'E');

select * from t1;
| c1 | c2   | c3   |
|  1 |  101 | A    |
|  2 |  102 | B    |
|  3 |  103 | C    |
|  4 |  104 | D    |
|  5 |  105 | E    |

SET GLOBAL rocksdb_force_flush_memtable_now=1;

select d.table_schema, d.table_name, d.index_name, d.index_number,f.sst_name, f.NUM_ROWS, f.ENTRY_DELETES, f.ENTRY_SINGLEDELETES,f.ENTRY_MERGES, f.ENTRY_OTHERS from information_schema.ROCKSDB_DDL d, information_schema.rocksdb_index_file_map f where d.index_number=f.index_number and d.table_name='t1';
| table_schema | table_name | index_name | index_number | sst_name   | NUM_ROWS | ENTRY_DELETES | ENTRY_SINGLEDELETES | ENTRY_MERGES | ENTRY_OTHERS |
| test         | t1         | PRIMARY    |          256 | 000030.sst |        5 |             0 |                   0 |            0 |            0 |
| test         | t1         | idx1       |          257 | 000030.sst |        5 |             0 |                   0 |            0 |            0 |

使用 sst_dump


select d.table_schema, d.table_name, d.index_name, d.index_number,f.sst_name, f.NUM_ROWS, f.ENTRY_DELETES, f.ENTRY_SINGLEDELETES,f.ENTRY_MERGES, f.ENTRY_OTHERS from information_schema.ROCKSDB_DDL d, information_schema.rocksdb_index_file_map f where d.index_number=f.index_number and d.table_name='t1';
| table_schema | table_name | index_name | index_number | sst_name   | NUM_ROWS | ENTRY_DELETES | ENTRY_SINGLEDELETES | ENTRY_MERGES | ENTRY_OTHERS |
| test         | t1         | PRIMARY    |          256 | 000030.sst |        5 |             0 |                   0 |            0 |            0 |
| test         | t1         | idx1       |          257 | 000030.sst |        5 |             0 |                   0 |            0 |            0 |
  • 导出t1的数据
bin/sst_dump --command=scan --file=data/.rocksdb/000030.sst --output_hex
from [] to []
Process data/.rocksdb/000030.sst
Sst file format: block-based
'0000010080000001' seq:13, type:1 => 00650000000141
'0000010080000002' seq:16, type:1 => 00660000000142
'0000010080000003' seq:19, type:1 => 00670000000143
'0000010080000004' seq:22, type:1 => 00680000000144
'0000010080000005' seq:25, type:1 => 00690000000145
'00000101018000006580000001' seq:14, type:1 =>
'00000101018000006680000002' seq:17, type:1 =>
'00000101018000006780000003' seq:20, type:1 =>
'00000101018000006880000004' seq:23, type:1 =>
'00000101018000006980000005' seq:26, type:1 =>






'0000010080000001' seq:13, type:1 => 00650000000141


Primary index id: 256 ==>   100
c1:               1   ==>   80000001 (符号反转)
type:1           PUT

value 由c2+c3组成

c2:              101  ==>   65
c3:              A    ==>   141


'00000101018000006580000001' seq:14, type:1 =>


second index id: 257 ==>   101
c2 : 101             ==>   80000065              主键   
c1: 1                ==>  80000001 (符号反转)    二级索引键


Note type值参考如下定义

enum ValueType : unsigned char {
  kTypeDeletion = 0x0,
  kTypeValue = 0x1,
  kTypeMerge = 0x2,
  kTypeLogData = 0x3,               // WAL only.
  kTypeColumnFamilyDeletion = 0x4,  // WAL only.
  kTypeColumnFamilyValue = 0x5,     // WAL only.
  kTypeColumnFamilyMerge = 0x6,     // WAL only.
  kTypeSingleDeletion = 0x7,
  kTypeColumnFamilySingleDeletion = 0x8,  // WAL only.
  kTypeBeginPrepareXID = 0x9,             // WAL only.
  kTypeEndPrepareXID = 0xA,               // WAL only.
  kTypeCommitXID = 0xB,                   // WAL only.
  kTypeRollbackXID = 0xC,                 // WAL only.
  kTypeNoop = 0xD,                        // WAL only.
  kTypeColumnFamilyRangeDeletion = 0xE,   // WAL only.
  kTypeRangeDeletion = 0xF,               // meta block
  kTypeColumnFamilyBlobIndex = 0x10,      // Blob DB only
  kTypeBlobIndex = 0x11,                  // Blob DB only
  // When the prepared record is also persisted in db, we use a different
  // record. This is to ensure that the WAL that is generated by a WritePolicy
  // is not mistakenly read by another, which would result into data
  // inconsistency.
  kTypeBeginPersistedPrepareXID = 0x12,  // WAL only.
  kMaxValue = 0x7F                       // Not used for storing records.
  • 按指定范围导出数据
bin/sst_dump --command=scan --file=data/.rocksdb/000030.sst  --from='0x0000010080000002' --to='0x0000010080000005' --input_key_hex --output_hex
from [0000010080000002] to [0000010080000005]
Process data/.rocksdb/000030.sst
Sst file format: block-based
'0000010080000002' seq:16, type:1 => 00660000000142
'0000010080000003' seq:19, type:1 => 00670000000143
'0000010080000004' seq:22, type:1 => 00680000000144
  • 查看sst属性信息


bin/sst_dump --command=raw --file=data/.rocksdb/000030.sst  --output_hex
from [] to []
Process data/.rocksdb/000030.sst
Sst file format: block-based
raw dump written to file data/.rocksdb/000030_dump.txt


mysql_ldb 使用

  • 查看sst数据
bin/mysql_ldb --db=data/.rocksdb scan --hex
0x0000010080000001 : 0x00650000000141
0x0000010080000002 : 0x00660000000142
0x0000010080000003 : 0x00670000000143
0x0000010080000004 : 0x00680000000144
0x0000010080000005 : 0x00690000000145
0x00000101018000006580000001 : 0x
0x00000101018000006680000002 : 0x
0x00000101018000006780000003 : 0x
0x00000101018000006880000004 : 0x
0x00000101018000006980000005 : 0x
  • 写入数据


bin/mysql_ldb --db=data/.rocksdb put --hex 0x0000010080000006 0x006A0000000146
Failed: IO error: While lock file: data/.rocksdb/LOCK: Resource temporarily unavailable

shutdown myrocks实例后,再写入成功

bin/mysql_ldb --db=data/.rocksdb put --hex 0x0000010080000006 0x006A0000000146


select d.table_schema, d.table_name, d.index_name, d.index_number,f.sst_name, f.NUM_ROWS, f.ENTRY_DELETES, f.ENTRY_SINGLEDELETES,f.ENTRY_MERGES, f.ENTRY_OTHERS from information_schema.ROCKSDB_DDL d, information_schema.rocksdb_index_file_map f where d.index_number=f.index_number and d.table_name='t1';
| table_schema | table_name | index_name | index_number | sst_name   | NUM_ROWS | ENTRY_DELETES | ENTRY_SINGLEDELETES | ENTRY_MERGES | ENTRY_OTHERS |
| test         | t1         | PRIMARY    |          256 | 000030.sst |        5 |             0 |                   0 |            0 |            0 |
| test         | t1         | idx1       |          257 | 000030.sst |        5 |             0 |                   0 |            0 |            0 |
| test         | t1         | PRIMARY    |          256 | 000041.sst |        1 |             0 |                   0 |            0 |            0 |


select * from t1;
| c1 | c2   | c3   |
|  1 |  101 | A    |
|  2 |  102 | B    |
|  3 |  103 | C    |
|  4 |  104 | D    |
|  5 |  105 | E    |
|  6 |  106 | F    |


select * from t1 where c2=106;
Empty set (0.00 sec)

explain select * from t1 where c2=106;
| id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key  | key_len | ref   | rows | Extra |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | t1    | ref  | idx1          | idx1 | 5       | const |    4 | NULL  |


bin/mysql_ldb --db=data/.rocksdb put --hex 0x00000101018000006A80000006 0x


select * from t1 where c2=106;
| c1 | c2   | c3   |
|  6 |  106 | F    |

select d.table_schema, d.table_name, d.index_name, d.index_number,f.sst_name, f.NUM_ROWS, f.ENTRY_DELETES, f.ENTRY_SINGLEDELETES,f.ENTRY_MERGES, f.ENTRY_OTHERS from information_schema.ROCKSDB_DDL d, information_schema.rocksdb_index_file_map f where d.index_number=f.index_number and d.table_name='t1';
| table_schema | table_name | index_name | index_number | sst_name   | NUM_ROWS | ENTRY_DELETES | ENTRY_SINGLEDELETES | ENTRY_MERGES | ENTRY_OTHERS |
| test         | t1         | PRIMARY    |          256 | 000030.sst |        5 |             0 |                   0 |            0 |            0 |
| test         | t1         | idx1       |          257 | 000030.sst |        5 |             0 |                   0 |            0 |            0 |
| test         | t1         | PRIMARY    |          256 | 000041.sst |        1 |             0 |                   0 |            0 |            0 |
| test         | t1         | idx1       |          257 | 000058.sst |        1 |             0 |                   0 |            0 |            0 |
  • mysql_ldb 查看MANIFEST文件


bin/mysql_ldb manifest_dump  --path=data/.rocksdb/MANIFEST-000059
--------------- Column family "default"  (ID 0) --------------
log number: 58
comparator: RocksDB_SE_v3.10
--- level 0 --- version# 2 ---
--------------- Column family "__system__"  (ID 1) --------------
log number: 63
comparator: RocksDB_SE_v3.10
--- level 0 --- version# 3 ---
next_file_number 66 last_sequence 36  prev_log_number 0 max_column_family 1
  • mysql_ldb repair


bin/mysql_ldb --db=data/.rocksdb scan --hex
Failed: IO error: While opening a file for sequentially reading: data/.rocksdb/MANIFEST-000059

mysql_ldb 通过 repair 选项可以恢复出MANIFEST

bin/mysql_ldb repair --db=data/.rocksdb scan
RocksDB version: 5.9.0

Git sha rocksdb_build_git_sha:7c8c83458365f8b359cae13785d15b0bdc9df380
Compile date Dec 16 2017



SST files in data/.rocksdb dir, Total Num: 7, files: 000030.sst 000039.sst 000041.sst 000047.sst 000054.sst 000058.sst 000064.sst

Write Ahead Log file in data/.rocksdb: 000063.log size: 19 ;
.......... //省略部分配置信息
[WARN] [/home/zhangyuan.zy/git/rds6/rocksdb/db/] **** Repaired rocksdb data/.rocksdb; recovered 7 files; 5847bytes. Some data may have been lost. ****

repair 完成后数据可以查看

bin/mysql_ldb --db=data/.rocksdb scan --hex
0x0000010080000001 : 0x00650000000141
0x0000010080000002 : 0x00660000000142
0x0000010080000003 : 0x00670000000143
0x0000010080000004 : 0x00680000000144
0x0000010080000005 : 0x00690000000145
0x0000010080000006 : 0x006A0000000146
0x00000101018000006580000001 : 0x
0x00000101018000006680000002 : 0x
0x00000101018000006780000003 : 0x
0x00000101018000006880000004 : 0x
0x00000101018000006980000005 : 0x
0x00000101018000006A80000006 : 0x


bin/mysql_ldb manifest_dump  --path=data/.rocksdb/MANIFEST-000003
--------------- Column family "default"  (ID 0) --------------
log number: 0
comparator: RocksDB_SE_v3.10
--- level 0 --- version# 2 ---
--------------- Column family "__system__"  (ID 1) --------------
log number: 0
comparator: RocksDB_SE_v3.10
--- level 0 --- version# 3 ---
next_file_number 66 last_sequence 36  prev_log_number 0 max_column_family 1



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关系型数据库 MySQL
MySQL · RocksDB · TransactionDB 介绍
1. 概述 得益于LSM-Tree结构,RocksDB所有的写入并非是update in-place,所以他支持起来事务的难度也相对较小,主要原理就是利用WriteBatch将事务所有写操作在内存缓存打包,然后在commit时一次性将WriteBatch写入,保证了原子,另外通过Sequence和Key锁来解决冲突实现隔离。
2916 0
存储 关系型数据库 MySQL
MySQL · myrocks · collation 限制
背景 MyRocks中的数据是按索引列以memcmp方式进行排序的。对于一些数字类型,需要进行转化才能直接通过memcmp进行比较, 例如有符号数在计算机中是用补码表示的,那么如果负数和正数直接按字节比较,结果负数会比正数大,实际存储时会将符号会反转存储,读取时再转化回来。
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SQL Oracle MySQL
MySQL · Community · Congratulations on MySQL 8.0 GA
It’s great to see MySQL 8.0 has been GA. As a cloud provider in the world, Alibaba Cloud always keeps the pace with Oracle MySQL.
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JavaScript 关系型数据库 MySQL
MySQL · myrocks · 相关tools介绍
概述 MyRocks提供了丰富的tools,如sst_dump, mysql_ldb等,这些工具对我们的运维和分析问题非常有用。 sst_dump 可以导出sst中的数据和属性信息。 sst_dump --help sst_dump --file=<data_dir_OR_sst_file> .
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关系型数据库 MySQL
MYSQL · 新特性 · MySQL 8.0对Parser所做的改进
背景介绍 众所周知,MySQL Parser是利用C/C++实现的开源yacc/lex组合,也就是 GNU bison/flex。Flex负责生成tokens, Bison负责语法解析。开始介绍MySQL 8.0的新特新之前,我们先简单了解一下通用的两种Parser。一种是Bottom-up parser,另外一种是Top-down parser。 Bottom-up parser Bottom
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NoSQL 关系型数据库 MySQL
MySQL · 捉虫动态 · 5.7 mysql_upgrade 元数据锁等待
问题描述 如下图,mysql_upgrade 过程中,执行 DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS performance_schema 一直在等待 metadata lock 问题排查 简单粗暴的方法 有一种简单的解决方法,把其他连接kill掉,释放 metadata lock 对于这个案例,占用元数据锁的是 Id = 107768,User = xx1 的连接 但是这种
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存储 关系型数据库 索引
MySQL · TokuDB · rbtree block allocator
背景 Percona在今年8月引入了一个大patch “rb tree block allocation strategy”,使用变种的红黑树作为跟踪未使用block hole的数据结构。 Percona上对此介绍的连接(点击这里跳转到原文) 这个改进是基于percona内部性能测试和外部用户反馈,发现当TokuDB引擎在长时间写入压力比较大的场景下,随着时间增长写入性能会急剧下降;当采用s
1376 0


  • 云数据库 RDS MySQL 版