
简介: 1. Dynamic Sampling (动态采样)    The purpose of dynamic sampling is to improve server performance by determining more accurate selectivity and cardinality estimates.

1. Dynamic Sampling (动态采样)
    The purpose of dynamic sampling is to improve server performance by determining more accurate selectivity and cardinality estimates.
    More accurate selectivity and cardinality estimates allow the optimizer to produce better performing plans.
    Estimate single-table predicate selectivities when collected statistics cannot be used or are likely to lead to significant errors in estimation.
    Estimate table cardinality for tables without statistics or for tables whose statistics are too out of date to trust.
2. How Dynamic Sampling Works(动态采样如何工作)
   The primary performance attribute is compile time.
   Oracle determines at compile time whether a query would benefit from dynamic sampling.
   If so, a recursive SQL statement is issued to scan a small random sample of the table's blocks,
   and to apply the relevant single table predicates to estimate predicate selectivities.
   The sample cardinality can also be used, in some cases, to estimate table cardinality.
3. When to Use Dynamic Sampling(什么时候使用动态采样)
   (1) A better plan can be found using dynamic sampling.
   (2) The sampling time is a small fraction of total execution time for the query.
   (3) The query will be executed many times.
4. How to Use Dynamic Sampling to Improve Performance
   Level 0: dynamic sampling will not be done.
   Level 1: (default value) dynamic sampling will be performed if all of the following conditions are true:
           (1) There is more than one table in the query.
           (2) Some table has not been analyzed and has no indexes.
           (3) The optimizer determines that a relatively expensive table scan would be required for this unanalyzed table.        优化器认为这个没有被分析的表会消耗相当昂贵的表扫描资源)
   Level 2: Apply dynamic sampling to all unanalyzed tables.
            The number of blocks sampled is the default number of dynamic sampling blocks.
   Level 3: Apply dynamic sampling to all tables that meet Level 2 criteria, plus all tables for which standard selectivity estimation used a guess for some predicate
            that is a potential dynamic sampling predicate.
            The number of blocks sampled is the default number of dynamic sampling blocks.
   Level 4: Apply dynamic sampling to all tables that meet Level 3 criteria, plus all tables that have single-table predicates that reference 2 or more columns.
            The number of blocks sampled is the default number of dynamic sampling blocks.
   Level 5: Apply dynamic sampling to all tables that meet the Level 4 criteria using 2 times the default number of dynamic sampling blocks.
   Level 6: Apply dynamic sampling to all tables that meet the Level 5 criteria using 4 times the default number of dynamic sampling blocks.
   Level 7: Apply dynamic sampling to all tables that meet the Level 6 criteria using 8 times the default number of dynamic sampling blocks.
   Level 8: Apply dynamic sampling to all tables that meet the Level 7 criteria using 32 times the default number of dynamic sampling blocks.
   Level 9: Apply dynamic sampling to all tables that meet the Level 8 criteria using 128 times the default number of dynamic sampling blocks.

   Level 10: Apply dynamic sampling to all tables that meet the Level 9 criteria using all blocks in the table.
   Increasing the value of the parameter results in more aggressive application of dynamic sampling, in terms of both the type of tables sampled (analyzed or unanalyzed) and the amount of I/O spent on sampling.
   Dynamic sampling is repeatable if no rows have been inserted, deleted, or updated in the table being sampled.
     在被采样的表中,即使没有记录被insert, deleted, update,采样的操作仍会被重复。)

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