[20170703]Oracle Call Interface Tracing

简介: [20170703]Oracle Call Interface (OCI) Tracing.txt --//不熟悉这些东西,仅仅做一个记录. The Oracle Call Interface (OCI) is a set of APIs which provides interaction with an Oracle database.

[20170703]Oracle Call Interface (OCI) Tracing.txt


The Oracle Call Interface (OCI) is a set of APIs which provides interaction with an Oracle database. It supports all
phases of a SQL statement execution.

If you ever wondered how to trace OCI function calls you can do it by setting EVENT_10842 environment variable.

set EVENT_10842=server=all;user=all;stmt=all;level=15

--//注意:必须设置DIAG_ADR_ENABLED=off 在 sqlnet.ora中.在client还是服务端呢?

For ORA_CLIENTTRACE_DIR to take effect Automatic Diagnostic Repository (ADR) has to be disabled. You can disable it by
setting DIAG_ADR_ENABLED=off in your sqlnet.ora.

A tracefile is generated for each connection in the format of ora_skgu_<pid>.trc1 where pid is the process id of the
connection on the (client) system.
The following levels are supported:
1 - Trace all server attach and server detach calls for servers listed in "server" attribute of the environment
2 - Trace all session begin, logon, session end, logoff calls for the users listed in "user" attribute of the
     environment variable.
3 - Trace all prepare, execute, fetch calls for the specified statement types listed in "stmt" attribute of environment
4 - Trace all Bind, Define, Describe calls.
5 - Trace all OCI LOB calls
7 - Get statistical info on all connection pooling /connection related calls
8 - Get statistical info on all session info
9 - Get statistical info on all handle info
10 - Get statistical info on time taken in execute and fetch calls
11 - Get statistical info on transaction related calls
15 - Trace all calls with statistical info.

SCOTT@book> @ &r/ver1
PORT_STRING                    VERSION        BANNER
------------------------------ -------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
x86_64/Linux 2.4.xx       Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production

R:\>set EVENT_10842=server=all;user=all;stmt=all;level=15

SCOTT@78> host ls -l r:\*.trc1
-rw-rw-rw-   1 user     group       22794 Jul  3 10:42 r:\ora_skgu_6708.trc1


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