Read timed out

简介: If you get Read timed out exception Try setting own timeout value when constructing JedisPool using the following constructor: JedisPool(GenericObjectPool.

If you get Read timed out exception

Try setting own timeout value when constructing JedisPool using the following constructor:

JedisPool(GenericObjectPool.Config poolConfig, String host, int port, int timeout)

Default timeout value is 2 seconds.

JedisPool blocks after getting 8 connections

JedisPool defaults to 8 connections, you can change this in the PoolConfig:

JedisPoolConfig poolConfig = new JedisPoolConfig();
poolConfig.setMaxTotal(maxTotal); // maximum active connections poolConfig.setMaxIdle(maxIdle); // maximum idle connections

Take into account that JedisPool inherits commons-pool BaseObjectPoolConfig which has a lot of configuration parameters. We've set some defined ones which suit most of the cases. In case, you experience issues tuning these parameters may help.


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