Java NIO Overview

简介: Java Nio 1Java NIO Tutorial2Java NIO Overview3Java NIO Channel4Java NIO Buffer5Java NIO Scatter / Gather6Java NIO Channel t...

Java Nio 

1 Java NIO Tutorial
2 Java NIO Overview
3 Java NIO Channel
4 Java NIO Buffer
5 Java NIO Scatter / Gather
6 Java NIO Channel to Channel Transfers
7 Java NIO Selector
8 Java NIO FileChannel
9 Java NIO SocketChannel
10 Java NIO ServerSocketChannel
11 Java NIO DatagramChannel
12 Java NIO Pipe
13 Java NIO vs. IO

Java NIO Overview

By Jakob Jenkov
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Java NIO consist of the following core components:

  • Channels
  • Buffers
  • Selectors

Java NIO has more classes and components than these, but the ChannelBuffer and Selector forms the core of the API, in my opinion. The rest of the components, like Pipe and FileLock are merely utility classes to be used in conjunction with the three core components. Therefore, I'll focus on these three components in this NIO overview. The other components are explained in their own texts elsewhere in this tutorial. See the menu at the top corner of this page.

Channels and Buffers

Typically, all IO in NIO starts with a Channel. A Channel is a bit like a stream. From the Channel data can be read into a Buffer. Data can also be written from a Buffer into a Channel. Here is an illustration of that:

Java NIO: Channels and Buffers
Java NIO: Channels read data into Buffers, and Buffers write data into Channels

There are several Channel and Buffer types. Here is a list of the primary Channel implementations in Java NIO:

  • FileChannel
  • DatagramChannel
  • SocketChannel
  • ServerSocketChannel

As you can see, these channels cover UDP + TCP network IO, and file IO.

There are a few interesting interfaces accompanying these classes too, but I'll keep them out of this Java NIO overview for simplicity's sake. They'll be explained where relevant, in other texts of this Java NIO tutorial.

Here is a list of the core Buffer implementations in Java NIO:

  • ByteBuffer
  • CharBuffer
  • DoubleBuffer
  • FloatBuffer
  • IntBuffer
  • LongBuffer
  • ShortBuffer

These Buffer's cover the basic data types that you can send via IO: byte, short, int, long, float, double and characters.

Java NIO also has a MappedByteBuffer which is used in conjunction with memory mapped files. I'll leave thisBuffer out of this overview though.


Selector allows a single thread to handle multiple Channel's. This is handy if your application has many connections (Channels) open, but only has low traffic on each connection. For instance, in a chat server.

Here is an illustration of a thread using a Selector to handle 3 Channel's:

Java NIO: Selectors
Java NIO: A Thread uses a Selector to handle 3 Channel's

To use a Selector you register the Channel's with it. Then you call it's select() method. This method will block until there is an event ready for one of the registered channels. Once the method returns, the thread can then process these events. Examples of events are incoming connection, data received etc.

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📌 Java NIO Buffer
Java NIO缓冲区在与NIO通道交互时使用。数据从通道读取到缓冲区,然后从缓冲区写入通道。 缓冲区本质上是一块内存,可以在其中写入数据,然后再进行读取。这个内存块被封装在一个NIOBuffer对象中,该对象提供了一组方法,可以更容易地使用内存块。
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📌 Java NIO
Java NIO(New IO或 Non Blocking IO)是从Java 1.4版本开始引入的一个新的IOAPI,可以替代标准的Java IO API。NIO支持面向缓冲区的、基于通道的IO操作。NIO将以更加高效的方式进行文件的读写操作。(NIO非阻塞 IO操作)。Java NIO包含了如下三个核心组件:Channel、Buffers、Selectors。