OS X10.10下HomeBrew的安装提示


apple@kissAir: c_src$ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"

==> This script will install:




Press RETURN to continue or any other key to abort

==> /usr/bin/sudo /bin/mkdir /Library/Caches/Homebrew

WARNING: Improper use of the sudo command could lead to data loss

or the deletion of important system files. Please double-check your

typing when using sudo. Type "man sudo" for more information.

To proceed, enter your password, or type Ctrl-C to abort.


==> /usr/bin/sudo /bin/chmod g+rwx /Library/Caches/Homebrew

==> Downloading and installing Homebrew...

remote: Counting objects: 208194, done.

remote: Compressing objects: 100% (55979/55979), done.

remote: Total 208194 (delta 151040), reused 208167 (delta 151020)

Receiving objects: 100% (208194/208194), 44.56 MiB | 353.00 KiB/s, done.

Resolving deltas: 100% (151040/151040), done.

From https://github.com/Homebrew/homebrew

 * [new branch]      master     -> origin/master

HEAD is now at afb5109 objective-caml: update 4.02.1 bottle.

==> Installation successful!

==> Next steps

Run `brew doctor` before you install anything

Run `brew help` to get started

apple@kissAir: c_src$brew doctor

Please note that these warnings are just used to help the Homebrew maintainers

with debugging if you file an issue. If everything you use Homebrew for is

working fine: please don't worry and just ignore them. Thanks!

Warning: Broken symlinks were found. Remove them with `brew prune`:



Warning: Your XQuartz (2.7.5) is outdated

Please install XQuartz 2.7.7:


Warning: You have MacPorts or Fink installed:


This can cause trouble. You don't have to uninstall them, but you may want to

temporarily move them out of the way, e.g.

  sudo mv /opt/local ~/macports

Warning: You have uncommitted modifications to Homebrew

If this a surprise to you, then you should stash these modifications.

Stashing returns Homebrew to a pristine state but can be undone

should you later need to do so for some reason.

    cd /usr/local/Library && git stash && git clean -d -f

Warning: Homebrew's sbin was not found in your PATH but you have installed

formulae that put executables in /usr/local/sbin.

Consider setting the PATH for example like so

    echo export PATH='/usr/local/sbin:$PATH' >> ~/.bash_profile

Warning: Your Xcode (6.0) is outdated

Please update to Xcode 6.1.

Xcode can be updated from the App Store.

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