R12.2 clone 总结

简介: 参考文档: CloningOracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 with Rapid Clone (文档ID 1383621.


CloningOracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 with Rapid Clone (文档ID 1383621.1)

Oracle® E-Business Suite Setup Guide  Release 12.2  Part No. E22953-09

The cloning process consists of the following three phases, each of which is made up of 
several logical sections and their steps.
Warning: Before following the steps on this Section, review the "Special 
Considerations" section in My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 
1383621.1, Cloning Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 with Rapid Clone.
1. Prepare the Source System for Database Tier and Application Tier
2. Copy both Database Tier and Application Tier nodes from the Source System to 
Target System
3. Configure the Target System for both Database Tier and Application Tier
High Level Standard Cloning Process for Application Tier
In addition to cloning the database tier node, standard cloning process for Application 
Tier basically involves the following two key processes:

1. Copy Application Tier node from the Source "Run Edition File System" to the 
Target "Run Edition File System".
2. Copy the Application Tier node from the Target "Run Edition File System" to the 
Target "Patch Edition File System".
This high level cloning process specific to Application Tier can be illustrated in the 
following diagram:

开发工具 git
git clone TimeOut 无法下载 git 设置代理
git clone TimeOut 无法下载 git 设置代理
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存储 安全 Shell
Git clone 克隆私有项目
Git clone 克隆私有项目
Git clone 克隆私有项目
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本文主要针对Git中pull、push、clone、fork、pull request图解及命令详解
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Git详解——pull、push、clone、fork、pull request图解及命令速查
存储 前端开发 开发工具
git clone -mirror 和 git clone 的区别
git clone -mirror 和 git clone 的区别
安全 Java 编译器
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算法 Linux 网络安全
超详细!linux环境git clone探坑录
超详细!linux环境git clone探坑录
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开发工具 git
git clone & git reset 补充
git clone & git reset 补充
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开发工具 git
git clone 含有子模块的项目
git clone 含有子模块的项目
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git clone 命令只下载了一个readme文件
git clone 命令只下载了一个readme文件
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SQL 监控 关系型数据库
使用clone plugin将当前实例进行本地或者远程的clone,可以用于创建从库和mgr新成员加入。
MySQL8.0.17推出了一个重量级的功能:clone plugin。允许用户可以将当前实例进行本地或者远程的clone操作。适用于整个实例快速备份和mgr新成员加入。