PostgreSQL Oracle 兼容性系列之 - orafce

RDS PostgreSQL Serverless,0.5-4RCU 50GB 3个月
RDS SQL Server Serverless,2-4RCU 50GB 3个月
云数据库 RDS MySQL,集群系列 2核4GB


1. 类型 date, varchar2 and nvarchar2
2. 函数 concat, nvl, nvl2, lnnvl, decode, bitand, nanvl, sinh, cosh, tanh and oracle.substr
3. dual 表
4. package : 
        PLVstr and PLVchr



mv orafce-3.1.2 /opt/soft_bak/postgresql-9.4.5/contrib
cd /opt/soft_bak/postgresql-9.4.5/contrib/orafce-3.1.2

export PATH=/opt/pgsql/bin:$PATH
make clean
make install

创建extension 。
su - postgres
postgres=# create extension orafce;

Oracle兼容 函数列表:
postgres=# \df
                                                                                                            List of functions
 Schema |        Name         |      Result data type       |                                                                        Argument data types                                                                         |  Type  
 public | bitand              | bigint                      | bigint, bigint                                                                                                                                                     | normal
 public | cosh                | double precision            | double precision                                                                                                                                                   | normal
 public | decode              | bigint                      | anyelement, anyelement, bigint                                                                                                                                     | normal
 public | decode              | bigint                      | anyelement, anyelement, bigint, anyelement, bigint                                                                                                                 | normal
 public | decode              | bigint                      | anyelement, anyelement, bigint, anyelement, bigint, anyelement, bigint                                                                                             | normal
 public | decode              | bigint                      | anyelement, anyelement, bigint, anyelement, bigint, anyelement, bigint, bigint                                                                                     | normal
 public | decode              | bigint                      | anyelement, anyelement, bigint, anyelement, bigint, bigint                                                                                                         | normal
 public | decode              | bigint                      | anyelement, anyelement, bigint, bigint                                                                                                                             | normal
 public | decode              | character                   | anyelement, anyelement, character                                                                                                                                  | normal
 public | decode              | character                   | anyelement, anyelement, character, anyelement, character                                                                                                           | normal
 public | decode              | character                   | anyelement, anyelement, character, anyelement, character, anyelement, character                                                                                    | normal
 public | decode              | character                   | anyelement, anyelement, character, anyelement, character, anyelement, character, character                                                                         | normal
 public | decode              | character                   | anyelement, anyelement, character, anyelement, character, character                                                                                                | normal
 public | decode              | character                   | anyelement, anyelement, character, character                                                                                                                       | normal
 public | decode              | date                        | anyelement, anyelement, date                                                                                                                                       | normal
 public | decode              | date                        | anyelement, anyelement, date, anyelement, date                                                                                                                     | normal
 public | decode              | date                        | anyelement, anyelement, date, anyelement, date, anyelement, date                                                                                                   | normal
 public | decode              | date                        | anyelement, anyelement, date, anyelement, date, anyelement, date, date                                                                                             | normal
 public | decode              | date                        | anyelement, anyelement, date, anyelement, date, date                                                                                                               | normal
 public | decode              | date                        | anyelement, anyelement, date, date                                                                                                                                 | normal
 public | decode              | integer                     | anyelement, anyelement, integer                                                                                                                                    | normal
 public | decode              | integer                     | anyelement, anyelement, integer, anyelement, integer                                                                                                               | normal
 public | decode              | integer                     | anyelement, anyelement, integer, anyelement, integer, anyelement, integer                                                                                          | normal
 public | decode              | integer                     | anyelement, anyelement, integer, anyelement, integer, anyelement, integer, integer                                                                                 | normal
 public | decode              | integer                     | anyelement, anyelement, integer, anyelement, integer, integer                                                                                                      | normal
 public | decode              | integer                     | anyelement, anyelement, integer, integer                                                                                                                           | normal
 public | decode              | numeric                     | anyelement, anyelement, numeric                                                                                                                                    | normal
 public | decode              | numeric                     | anyelement, anyelement, numeric, anyelement, numeric                                                                                                               | normal
 public | decode              | numeric                     | anyelement, anyelement, numeric, anyelement, numeric, anyelement, numeric                                                                                          | normal
 public | decode              | numeric                     | anyelement, anyelement, numeric, anyelement, numeric, anyelement, numeric, numeric                                                                                 | normal
 public | decode              | numeric                     | anyelement, anyelement, numeric, anyelement, numeric, numeric                                                                                                      | normal
 public | decode              | numeric                     | anyelement, anyelement, numeric, numeric                                                                                                                           | normal
 public | decode              | text                        | anyelement, anyelement, text                                                                                                                                       | normal
 public | decode              | text                        | anyelement, anyelement, text, anyelement, text                                                                                                                     | normal
 public | decode              | text                        | anyelement, anyelement, text, anyelement, text, anyelement, text                                                                                                   | normal
 public | decode              | text                        | anyelement, anyelement, text, anyelement, text, anyelement, text, text                                                                                             | normal
 public | decode              | text                        | anyelement, anyelement, text, anyelement, text, text                                                                                                               | normal
 public | decode              | text                        | anyelement, anyelement, text, text                                                                                                                                 | normal
 public | decode              | time without time zone      | anyelement, anyelement, time without time zone                                                                                                                     | normal
 public | decode              | time without time zone      | anyelement, anyelement, time without time zone, anyelement, time without time zone                                                                                 | normal
 public | decode              | time without time zone      | anyelement, anyelement, time without time zone, anyelement, time without time zone, anyelement, time without time zone                                             | normal
 public | decode              | time without time zone      | anyelement, anyelement, time without time zone, anyelement, time without time zone, anyelement, time without time zone, time without time zone                     | normal
 public | decode              | time without time zone      | anyelement, anyelement, time without time zone, anyelement, time without time zone, time without time zone                                                         | normal
 public | decode              | time without time zone      | anyelement, anyelement, time without time zone, time without time zone                                                                                             | normal
 public | decode              | timestamp with time zone    | anyelement, anyelement, timestamp with time zone                                                                                                                   | normal
 public | decode              | timestamp with time zone    | anyelement, anyelement, timestamp with time zone, anyelement, timestamp with time zone                                                                             | normal
 public | decode              | timestamp with time zone    | anyelement, anyelement, timestamp with time zone, anyelement, timestamp with time zone, anyelement, timestamp with time zone                                       | normal
 public | decode              | timestamp with time zone    | anyelement, anyelement, timestamp with time zone, anyelement, timestamp with time zone, anyelement, timestamp with time zone, timestamp with time zone             | normal
 public | decode              | timestamp with time zone    | anyelement, anyelement, timestamp with time zone, anyelement, timestamp with time zone, timestamp with time zone                                                   | normal
 public | decode              | timestamp with time zone    | anyelement, anyelement, timestamp with time zone, timestamp with time zone                                                                                         | normal
 public | decode              | timestamp without time zone | anyelement, anyelement, timestamp without time zone                                                                                                                | normal
 public | decode              | timestamp without time zone | anyelement, anyelement, timestamp without time zone, anyelement, timestamp without time zone                                                                       | normal
 public | decode              | timestamp without time zone | anyelement, anyelement, timestamp without time zone, anyelement, timestamp without time zone, anyelement, timestamp without time zone                              | normal
 public | decode              | timestamp without time zone | anyelement, anyelement, timestamp without time zone, anyelement, timestamp without time zone, anyelement, timestamp without time zone, timestamp without time zone | normal
 public | decode              | timestamp without time zone | anyelement, anyelement, timestamp without time zone, anyelement, timestamp without time zone, timestamp without time zone                                          | normal
 public | decode              | timestamp without time zone | anyelement, anyelement, timestamp without time zone, timestamp without time zone                                                                                   | normal
 public | dump                | character varying           | "any"                                                                                                                                                              | normal
 public | dump                | character varying           | "any", integer                                                                                                                                                     | normal
 public | dump                | character varying           | text                                                                                                                                                               | normal
 public | dump                | character varying           | text, integer                                                                                                                                                      | normal
 public | nanvl               | double precision            | double precision, character varying                                                                                                                                | normal
 public | nanvl               | double precision            | double precision, double precision                                                                                                                                 | normal
 public | nanvl               | numeric                     | numeric, character varying                                                                                                                                         | normal
 public | nanvl               | numeric                     | numeric, numeric                                                                                                                                                   | normal
 public | nanvl               | real                        | real, character varying                                                                                                                                            | normal
 public | nanvl               | real                        | real, real                                                                                                                                                         | normal
 public | nvarchar2           | nvarchar2                   | nvarchar2, integer, boolean                                                                                                                                        | normal
 public | nvarchar2_transform | internal                    | internal                                                                                                                                                           | normal
 public | nvarchar2in         | nvarchar2                   | cstring, oid, integer                                                                                                                                              | normal
 public | nvarchar2out        | cstring                     | nvarchar2                                                                                                                                                          | normal
 public | nvarchar2recv       | nvarchar2                   | internal, oid, integer                                                                                                                                             | normal
 public | nvarchar2send       | bytea                       | nvarchar2                                                                                                                                                          | normal
 public | nvarchar2typmodin   | integer                     | cstring[]                                                                                                                                                          | normal
 public | nvarchar2typmodout  | cstring                     | integer                                                                                                                                                            | normal
 public | nvl                 | anyelement                  | anyelement, anyelement                                                                                                                                             | normal
 public | nvl2                | anyelement                  | anyelement, anyelement, anyelement                                                                                                                                 | normal
 public | sinh                | double precision            | double precision                                                                                                                                                   | normal
 public | tanh                | double precision            | double precision                                                                                                                                                   | normal
 public | to_multi_byte       | text                        | str text                                                                                                                                                           | normal
 public | to_single_byte      | text                        | str text                                                                                                                                                           | normal
 public | varchar2            | varchar2                    | varchar2, integer, boolean                                                                                                                                         | normal
 public | varchar2_transform  | internal                    | internal                                                                                                                                                           | normal
 public | varchar2in          | varchar2                    | cstring, oid, integer                                                                                                                                              | normal
 public | varchar2out         | cstring                     | varchar2                                                                                                                                                           | normal
 public | varchar2recv        | varchar2                    | internal, oid, integer                                                                                                                                             | normal
 public | varchar2send        | bytea                       | varchar2                                                                                                                                                           | normal
 public | varchar2typmodin    | integer                     | cstring[]                                                                                                                                                          | normal
 public | varchar2typmodout   | cstring                     | integer                                                                                                                                                            | normal
(88 rows)

Oracle兼容 dual表,在PG里用了一个视图来实现。
postgres=#  \dv
        List of relations
 Schema | Name | Type |  Owner   
 public | dual | view | postgres
(1 row)
postgres=# \d+ dual
                       View "public.dual"
 Column |       Type        | Modifiers | Storage  | Description 
 dummy  | character varying |           | extended | 
View definition:
 SELECT 'X'::character varying AS dummy;

postgres=# select * from dual;
(1 row)

postgres=# select 1 from dual;
(1 row)

Oracle兼容 包列表:
postgres=# \dn
     List of schemas
     Name     |  Owner   
 dbms_alert   | postgres
 dbms_assert  | postgres
 dbms_output  | postgres
 dbms_pipe    | postgres
 dbms_random  | postgres
 dbms_utility | postgres
 madlib       | postgres
 oracle       | postgres
 plunit       | postgres
 plvchr       | postgres
 plvdate      | postgres
 plvlex       | postgres
 plvstr       | postgres
 plvsubst     | postgres
 public       | postgres
 utl_file     | postgres
(16 rows)

postgres=# \df dbms_alert.*
                                                            List of functions
   Schema   |      Name      | Result data type |                              Argument data types                              |  Type   
 dbms_alert | _signal        | void             | name text, message text                                                       | normal
 dbms_alert | defered_signal | trigger          |                                                                               | trigger
 dbms_alert | register       | void             | name text                                                                     | normal
 dbms_alert | remove         | void             | name text                                                                     | normal
 dbms_alert | removeall      | void             |                                                                               | normal
 dbms_alert | set_defaults   | void             | sensitivity double precision                                                  | normal
 dbms_alert | signal         | void             | _event text, _message text                                                    | normal
 dbms_alert | waitany        | record           | OUT name text, OUT message text, OUT status integer, timeout double precision | normal
 dbms_alert | waitone        | record           | name text, OUT message text, OUT status integer, timeout double precision     | normal
(9 rows)
AI 代码解读
阿里云智能数据库产品团队一直致力于不断健全产品体系,提升产品性能,打磨产品功能,从而帮助客户实现更加极致的弹性能力、具备更强的扩展能力、并利用云设施进一步降低企业成本。以云原生+分布式为核心技术抓手,打造以自研的在线事务型(OLTP)数据库Polar DB和在线分析型(OLAP)数据库Analytic DB为代表的新一代企业级云原生数据库产品体系, 结合NoSQL数据库、数据库生态工具、云原生智能化数据库管控平台,为阿里巴巴经济体以及各个行业的企业客户和开发者提供从公共云到混合云再到私有云的完整解决方案,提供基于云基础设施进行数据从处理、到存储、再到计算与分析的一体化解决方案。本节课带你了解阿里云数据库产品家族及特性。
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PolarDB PostgreSQL版:Oracle兼容的高性能数据库
PolarDB PostgreSQL版是一款高性能的数据库,具有与Oracle兼容的特性。它采用了分布式架构,可以轻松处理大量的数据,同时还支持多种数据类型和函数,具有高可用性和可扩展性。它还提供了丰富的管理工具和性能优化功能,为企业提供了可靠的数据存储和处理解决方案。PolarDB PostgreSQL版在数据库领域具有很高的竞争力,可以满足各种企业的需求。
我们经常发现,部分国产数据库声称与 Oracle兼容性高达90%,但在实际迁移过程中,仍需要频繁地修改业务应用的代码。为何实现与Oracle高兼容度的数据库产品如此困难?其中一个重要原因是Oracle兼容性不仅是模仿,而是一个非常复杂和工程量庞大的逆向工程。其技术实现的复杂性以及多如牛毛的细节,足以让多数“年轻”的数据库团队望洋兴叹。YashanDB作为一款从核心理论到关键系统均为原创的数据库产品,从构建初期就具备了技术优势,在Oracle兼容性实现上,敢于亮剑并充分发挥工匠精神,不断打磨,努力构筑一个真正形神兼备的数据库产品。以下将从YashanDB SQL引擎技术、Oracle兼容性的开发
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常用数据库的分页语句(mySQL、oracle、PostgreSQL、SQL Server)
常用数据库的分页语句(mySQL、oracle、PostgreSQL、SQL Server)
PolarDB 开源版通过orafce支持Oracle兼容性
背景PolarDB 的云原生存算分离架构, 具备低廉的数据存储、高效扩展弹性、高速多机并行计算能力、高速数据搜索和处理; PolarDB与计算算法结合, 将实现双剑合璧, 推动业务数据的价值产出, 将数据变成生产力.本文将介绍PolarDB开源版通过orafce支持Oracle兼容性 .测试环境为m...
155 0
PolarDB for PostgreSQL 开源必读手册-开源PolarDB for PostgreSQL架构介绍(中)
PolarDB for PostgreSQL 开源必读手册-开源PolarDB for PostgreSQL架构介绍
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  • 云原生数据库 PolarDB
  • 云数据库 RDS PostgreSQL 版
  • 推荐镜像


