(需要大神,请求解决,遇见runtime error 错误)poj 1009 java

简介:      本地测试 ,没有错误,提交后 runtime error     Description IONU Satellite Imaging, Inc. records and stores very large images using run length encoding.



 本地测试 ,没有错误,提交后 runtime error




IONU Satellite Imaging, Inc. records and stores very large images using run length encoding. You are to write a program that reads a compressed image, finds the edges in the image, as described below, and outputs another compressed image of the detected edges. 
A simple edge detection algorithm sets an output pixel's value to be the maximum absolute value of the differences between it and all its surrounding pixels in the input image. Consider the input image below: 

The upper left pixel in the output image is the maximum of the values |15-15|,|15-100|, and |15-100|, which is 85. The pixel in the 4th row, 2nd column is computed as the maximum of |175-100|, |175-100|, |175-100|, |175-175|, |175-25|, |175-175|,|175-175|, and |175-25|, which is 150. 
Images contain 2 to 1,000,000,000 (109) pixels. All images are encoded using run length encoding (RLE). This is a sequence of pairs, containing pixel value (0-255) and run length (1-109). Input images have at most 1,000 of these pairs. Successive pairs have different pixel values. All lines in an image contain the same number of pixels. 

Input consists of information for one or more images. Each image starts with the width, in pixels, of each image line. This is followed by the RLE pairs, one pair per line. A line with 0 0 indicates the end of the data for that image. An image width of 0 indicates there are no more images to process. The first image in the example input encodes the 5x7 input image above. 

Output is a series of edge-detected images, in the same format as the input images, except that there may be more than 1,000 RLE pairs. 
Sample Input

15 4
100 15
25 2
175 2
25 5
175 2
25 5
0 0
35 500000000
200 500000000
0 0
255 1
10 1
255 2
10 1
255 2
10 1
255 1
0 0
Sample Output

85 5
0 2
85 5
75 10
150 2
75 3
0 2
150 2
0 4
0 0
0 499999990
165 20
0 499999990
0 0
245 9
0 0

A brute force solution that attempts to compute an output value for every individual pixel will likely fail due to space or time constraints. 



import java.math.BigDecimal; 
import java.nio.Buffer;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List; 
import java.util.Scanner; 
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeSet;


 * @author baoyou  E-mail:curiousby@163.com
 * @version 创建时间:2015年10月3日 下午11:43:37 
 * des:
public class BaoyPoj1009Test2 {

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);
		for (;;) {
			int cols = in.nextInt();
			BigDecimal num = new BigDecimal(0);
			List<Node> target = new ArrayList<Node>();
			for (;;) {
				int a = in.nextInt();
				BigDecimal b = in.nextBigDecimal();
				num = num.add(b);
				if (a != 0 && b.intValue() != 0)
					target.add(new Node(a, target.size() == 0 ? b : b.add(target
						.get(target.size() - 1).num)));

				if (a == 0 && b.intValue() == 0) {
					BigDecimal rows = num.divide(new BigDecimal(cols),
					Set<DataNode> source = new TreeSet<DataNode>();
					BigDecimal current = new BigDecimal(1);
					find9(cols, rows, current, target , source);
					for (int i = 0; i < target.size()-1; i++) {
						 Node node = target.get(i);
					     current =   new BigDecimal(1).add(node.num);
					     find9(cols, rows, current, target , source);  
					boolean first =true;
					int absResult=0;
					BigDecimal numTemp= new BigDecimal(0);
					BigDecimal numResult= new BigDecimal(0);
					for ( DataNode dnode:source) {
						if (first) {
							absResult = dnode.abs;
							numResult = dnode.start;
							first = false;
							if (absResult == dnode.abs) {
								//numResult = dnode.start;
								System.out.println(absResult + " " + dnode.start.subtract(numResult));
								absResult = dnode.abs;
								numResult = dnode.start;
					System.out.println(absResult + " " + num.subtract(numResult).add(new BigDecimal(1)));
					System.out.printf("%d %d\r\n", 0, 0);
			if (cols == 0) {

	public static void  find9(int cols, BigDecimal rows, BigDecimal i, List<Node> target  ,Set<DataNode> source){
                BigDecimal start = new BigDecimal(0);
                int  abs = 0;
                start = i;
                if (!source.contains(new DataNode(start))) {
					abs = maxABS(cols, rows, start, target);
					source.add(new DataNode(start,abs));
                // 上 (x,y-1)
				if (i.compareTo(new BigDecimal(cols)) > 0) { 
					start = i.subtract(new BigDecimal(cols));
					if (!source.contains(new DataNode(start))) {
						abs = maxABS(cols, rows, start, target);
						source.add(new DataNode(start,abs));

				// 下 (x,y+1)
				if (i.compareTo(rows.subtract(new BigDecimal(1)).multiply( new BigDecimal(cols))) <= 0) {
					start = i.add(new BigDecimal(cols));
					if (!source.contains(new DataNode(start))) {
						abs = maxABS(cols, rows, start, target);
						source.add(new DataNode(start,abs));
				// 左 (x-1,y)
				if (i.remainder(new BigDecimal(cols)).compareTo(new BigDecimal(1)) != 0) {
					start = i.subtract(new BigDecimal(1));
					if (!source.contains(new DataNode(start))) {
						abs = maxABS(cols, rows,start, target);
						source.add(new DataNode(start,abs));

				// 右(x+1,y)
				if (i.remainder(new BigDecimal(cols)).compareTo(new BigDecimal(0)) != 0) { 
					start = i.add(new BigDecimal(1)); 
					if (!source.contains(new DataNode(start))) {
						abs = maxABS(cols, rows, start, target);
						source.add(new DataNode(start,abs));

				// 左上 (x-1,y-1)
				if (i.compareTo(new BigDecimal(cols)) > 0 && i.remainder(new BigDecimal(cols)).compareTo( new BigDecimal(1)) != 0) {
					start = i.subtract(new BigDecimal(cols)).subtract( new BigDecimal(1));
					if (!source.contains(new DataNode(start))) {
						abs = maxABS(cols, rows, start, target);
						source.add(new DataNode(start,abs));

				// 右上 (x+1,y-1)
				if (i.compareTo(new BigDecimal(cols)) > 0 && i.remainder(new BigDecimal(cols)).compareTo( new BigDecimal(0)) != 0) {
					start = i.subtract(new BigDecimal(cols)).add(new BigDecimal(1));
					if (!source.contains(new DataNode(start))) {
						abs = maxABS(cols, rows, start, target);
						source.add(new DataNode(start,abs));

				// 左下 (x-1,y+1)
				if (i.compareTo(rows.subtract(new BigDecimal(1)).multiply( new BigDecimal(cols))) <= 0 && i.remainder(new BigDecimal(cols)).compareTo( new BigDecimal(1)) != 0) {
					start  = i.add(new BigDecimal(cols)).subtract(new BigDecimal(1));
					if (!source.contains(new DataNode(start))) {
						abs = maxABS(cols, rows, start, target);
						source.add(new DataNode(start,abs));

				// 右下 (x+1,y+1)
				if (i.compareTo(rows.subtract(new BigDecimal(1)).multiply(
						new BigDecimal(cols))) <= 0 && i.remainder(new BigDecimal(cols)).compareTo(
						new BigDecimal(0)) != 0) {
					start = i.add(new BigDecimal(cols)).add(new BigDecimal(1));
					if (!source.contains(new DataNode(start))) {
						abs = maxABS(cols, rows, start, target);
						source.add(new DataNode(start,abs));

	public static int maxABS(int cols, BigDecimal rows, BigDecimal i, List<Node> target) {
		int max = 0;
		int current = getValue(i, target);
		BigDecimal location = new BigDecimal(0);

		// 上 (x,y-1)
		if (i.compareTo(new BigDecimal(cols)) <= 0) {
			int a = 0;
			if (a > max)
				max = a;
		} else {
			location = i.subtract(new BigDecimal(cols));
			int a = Math.abs(getValue(location, target) - current);
			if (a > max)
				max = a;

		// 下 (x,y+1)
		if (i.compareTo(rows.subtract(new BigDecimal(1)).multiply(
				new BigDecimal(cols))) > 0) {
			int a = 0;
			if (a > max)
				max = a;
		} else {
			location = i.add(new BigDecimal(cols));
			int a = Math.abs(getValue(location, target) - current);
			if (a > max)
				max = a;
		// 左 (x-1,y)
		if (i.remainder(new BigDecimal(cols)).compareTo(new BigDecimal(1)) == 0) {
			int a = 0;
			if (a > max)
				max = a;
		} else {
			location = i.subtract(new BigDecimal(1));
			int a = Math.abs(getValue(location, target) - current);
			if (a > max)
				max = a;

		// 右(x+1,y)
		if (i.remainder(new BigDecimal(cols)).compareTo(new BigDecimal(0)) == 0) {
			int a = 0;
			if (a > max)
				max = a;
		} else {
			location = i.add(new BigDecimal(1));
			int a = Math.abs(getValue(location, target) - current);
			if (a > max)
				max = a;

		// 左上 (x-1,y-1)
		if (i.compareTo(new BigDecimal(cols)) <= 0) {
			int a = 0;
			if (a > max)
				max = a;
		} else if (i.remainder(new BigDecimal(cols)).compareTo(
				new BigDecimal(1)) == 0) {
			int a = 0;
			if (a > max)
				max = a;
		} else {
			location = i.subtract(new BigDecimal(cols)).subtract(
					new BigDecimal(1));
			int a = Math.abs(getValue(location, target) - current);
			if (a > max)
				max = a;

		// 右上 (x+1,y-1)
		if (i.compareTo(new BigDecimal(cols)) <= 0) {
			int a = 0;
			if (a > max)
				max = a;
		} else if (i.remainder(new BigDecimal(cols)).compareTo(
				new BigDecimal(0)) == 0) {
			int a = 0;
			if (a > max)
				max = a;
		} else {
			location = i.subtract(new BigDecimal(cols)).add(new BigDecimal(1));
			int a = Math.abs(getValue(location, target) - current);
			if (a > max)
				max = a;

		// 左下 (x-1,y+1)
		if (i.compareTo(rows.subtract(new BigDecimal(1)).multiply(
				new BigDecimal(cols))) > 0) {
			int a = 0;
			if (a > max)
				max = a;
		} else if (i.remainder(new BigDecimal(cols)).compareTo(
				new BigDecimal(1)) == 0) {
			int a = 0;
			if (a > max)
				max = a;
		} else {
			location = i.add(new BigDecimal(cols)).subtract(new BigDecimal(1));
			int a = Math.abs(getValue(location, target) - current);
			if (a > max)
				max = a;

		// 右下 (x+1,y+1)
		if (i.compareTo(rows.subtract(new BigDecimal(1)).multiply(
				new BigDecimal(cols))) > 0) {
			int a = 0;
			if (a > max)
				max = a;
		} else if (i.remainder(new BigDecimal(cols)).compareTo(
				new BigDecimal(0)) == 0) {
			int a = 0;
			if (a > max)
				max = a;
		} else {
			location = i.add(new BigDecimal(cols)).add(new BigDecimal(1));
			int a = Math.abs(getValue(location, target) - current);
			if (a > max)
				max = a;

		return max;

	public static int getValue(BigDecimal location, List<Node> target) {
		for (Node d : target) {
			if (d.num.compareTo(location) >= 0)
				return d.ascii;
		return 0;

	static class Node {
		public int ascii;
		public BigDecimal num;

		public Node(int ascii, BigDecimal num) {
			this.ascii = ascii;
			this.num = num;
		public String toString() { 
			StringBuffer sb= new StringBuffer();
			return sb.toString();
	static class DataNode implements Comparable{
		public BigDecimal start;
		public int abs;
		public DataNode(BigDecimal start){
			this.start = start;
		public DataNode(BigDecimal start, int abs) { 
			this.start = start;
			this.abs = abs;
		public boolean equals(Object obj) { 
             if (obj instanceof DataNode)
            	 if (((DataNode) obj).start == this.start)
            		 return true;
             return false;

		public int compareTo(Object o) {
			if (o instanceof DataNode){
           	 if (((DataNode) o).start .compareTo(this.start) == 0)
           		 return 0;
           	 else if(((DataNode) o).start .compareTo(this.start) < 0)
           		 return 1;
           		 return -1;
				return -1;
		public String toString() { 
			StringBuffer sb= new StringBuffer();
			return sb.toString();




测试没有问题 ,可是 出现了 runtime error 百度了 好多人的 ,似乎 也有 这个 问题 ,就是没有给出跟多的提示


















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