[J2ME Q&A]untrusted domain is not configured问题回应



第一次使用Netbean 4.0/5.0开发程序的时候,用户可能在运行程序时,遇到下面这种报错,导致模拟器一闪而过

正在通过存储根 DefaultColorPhone 来运行 
域名不正确,请切换到 'untrusted'
java.lang.SecurityException: untrusted domain is not configured

        at com.sun.midp.security.Permissions.forDomain(Permissions.java:530)
        at com.sun.midp.dev.DevMIDletSuiteImpl.create(DevMIDletSuiteImpl.java:148)
        at com.sun.midp.dev.DevMIDletSuiteImpl.create(DevMIDletSuiteImpl.java:91)
        at com.sun.midp.main.Main.runLocalClass(Main.java:453)
        at com.sun.midp.main.Main.main(Main.java:126)
Execution completed.








建议用户在NetBean选中项目,然后右键à属性,找到运行, 然后配置一下里面的域,按照他说的选择untrusted

[More Details]

因为Netbean会在c:\document and settings\${username}\建一个.netbean的子目录,并将一些相关的属性与设定均建于该目录下,但由于Netbean使用简体中文,如果${username}是中文字,将因无法确认untrusted domain的路径而导致其认定错误 


Netbean安装完且尚未执行前,先至 ” C:\Program Files\netbeans-5.0\etc” 下找netbeans.conf档,并于其中找到下列内容 
# netbeans_default_userdir="${HOME}/.netbeans/5.0" 
修改成netbeans_default_userdir="F:\prog\JAVA\.netbeans\4.0" 后,再启动netbean即可(上述目录可视需要改变,但建议最好为纯英文字)



Understanding Protection Domains

A protection comprises two parts:

  1. Permissions which are allowed (granted to contained MIDlet suites), and permissions for which the user must be consulted
  2. Criteria for entry into the protection domain

When you click on the Run button in the J2ME Wireless Toolkit, the current MIDlet suite is run in a protection domain called Untrusted. In this domain, the user is consulted for all permissions. That's why the emulator prompts you for permission when HTTPMIDlet attempts its HTTP connection.

You can change the MIDlet suite's runtime protection domain by choosing Edit -> Preferences, then clicking on the Security tab:

Selecting a Protection Domain 
(Click for the full image.)

The J2ME Wireless Toolkit includes four protection domains. MIDlets in the Minimum domain are denied all permissions. The Untrusted domain prompts the user for every permission. The Trusteddomain is a kind of MIDlet security nirvana where all permissions are granted; it's equivalent toMaximum.







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