Ruby Rails 笔记 [rails for dot net developers节选]

简介: • In Ruby’s object-oriented world, we work with objects and methods. Unlike VB .NET, where some subroutines return a value (Functions) and others do not (Subs), all Ruby methods must return a value.

In Ruby’s object-oriented world, we work with objects and methods. Unlike VB .NET, where some subroutines return a value (Functions) and others do not (Subs), all Ruby methods must return a value. When an explicit return statement is not used, the last-evaluated expression automatically becomes the return value.

Variables are not declared prior to their use. Ruby automatically allocates memory for variables upon first use, and it also assigns their type based on inference. Like .NET, a garbage collector will reclaim memory automatically.

• There is no distinction made between methods, properties, and fields (or “member variables”) like there is in .NET. Ruby has only the concept of methods. However, Ruby classes do sport a convenient syntax for defining “attribute methods,” which are equivalent to defining .NET properties. attr_reader and attr_accessor automatically define methods that provide property-like access to instance variables.

Comments start with the hash character (#), unless the hash occurs inside a double-quoted string. Everything after the hash is ignored. There is no multiline comment character in Ruby.

• Ruby classes may define instance methods and class methods. Class methods are called static methods in .NET.

Methods can be declared public, protected, or private, and these visibility scopes have the same meaning as they do in .NET. There is no Ruby equivalent for “internal” or “assembly-level” visibility.

• Instance variable names must start with an at (@) sign and are always private. Class variables, or what we might call static variables in .NET, start with two at signs. The rules for memory allocation and object assignment for class variables can get pretty strange in Ruby, so we tend to avoid using them, especially since Rails provides an alternative syntax for using class variables in Rails applications.

• Ruby classes can be derived from only one base class but can“mix in” any number of modules. A module in Ruby is simply a set of related methods packaged together using the module key-word instead of class.

• There is no separate compilation step in Ruby. If we execute this Ruby code:

name = 'Joe'

len = name.length

puts name + " has " + len.to_s + " letters in his name."

puts "\t#{5*10}"

puts "Hello, #{name}. You have #{name.length} letters in your name"

#Searching and Replacing

word = "restaurant"

puts word.index('a') # prints 4

puts word.index("ant") # prints 7

puts word.index(/st.+nt$/) # prints 2

puts word.index(/ANT$/i) # prints 7

puts word.index('buffet') # prints "nil"

flight = "United Airlines, Flight #312, ORD to LAX, 9:45AM to 11:45AM"

puts flight.sub('United', 'American')

puts flight.sub(/(\w+)to/, 'PDX to')

puts flight.gsub('AM', 'PM')

#Trimming Whitespace

flight = " United Airlines, Flight #312, 9:45AM to 11:45AM "

flight = flight.gsub(/^\s+/, '') # remove leading whitespace

flight = flight.gsub(/\s+$/, '') # remove trailing whitespace

flight = flight.strip # removes leading and trailing whitespace




Ruby in steel



Aptana RadRails





命令行输入:gem server


rails手册 可下载或在线查看



Programming Ruby中文版

Agile web development with rails 3rd edition

rails for dot net developers






使用Radrails “Import”->”Existing Folder As New Project”,即可查看和分析



map.home '', :controller => 'welcome’

ð App下的controllers views目录下welcome_controller.rb welcome目录的内容





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