关于powerdesigner中的data types说明

简介: 原文:关于powerdesigner中的data types说明 这一堆的数据类型看着真是头大,弄个表格对照一下。 Numeric data types Standard datatype DBMS-specific physical data type ...
原文: 关于powerdesigner中的data types说明


Numeric data types

Standard datatype DBMS-specific physical data type Content Length
Integer int / INTEGER 32-bit integer
Short Integer smallint / SMALLINT 16-bit integer
Long Integer int / INTEGER 32-bit integer
Byte tinyint / SMALLINT 256 values
Number numeric / NUMBER Numbers with a fixed decimal point Fixed
Decimal decimal / NUMBER Numbers with a fixed decimal point Fixed
Float float / FLOAT 32-bit floating point numbers Fixed
Short Float real / FLOAT Less than 32-bit point decimal number
Long Float double precision / BINARY DOUBLE 64-bit floating point numbers
Money money / NUMBER Numbers with a fixed decimal point Fixed
Serial numeric / NUMBER Automatically incremented numbers Fixed
Boolean bit / SMALLINT Two opposing values (true/false; yes/no; 1/0)

Character data types 

The following character data types are available:

Standard data type DBMS-specific physical data type Content Length
Characters char / CHAR Character strings Fixed
Variable Characters varchar / VARCHAR2 Character strings Maximum
Long Characters varchar / CLOB Character strings Maximum
Long Var Characters text / CLOB Character strings Maximum
Text text / CLOB Character strings Maximum
Multibyte nchar / NCHAR Multibyte character strings Fixed
Variable Multibyte nvarchar / NVARCHAR2 Multibyte character strings Maximum

Time data types 

Standard data type DBMS-specific physical data type Content Length
Date date / DATE Day, month, year
Time time / DATE Hour, minute, and second
Date & Time datetime / DATE Date and time
Timestamp timestamp / TIMESTAMP System date and time

Other data types 

The following other data types are available:

Standard data type DBMS-specific physical data type Content Length
Binary binary / RAW Binary strings Maximum
Long Binary image / BLOB Binary strings Maximum
Bitmap image / BLOB Images in bitmap format (BMP) Maximum
Image image / BLOB Images Maximum
OLE image / BLOB OLE links Maximum
Other User-defined data type
Undefined undefined Undefined. Replaced by the default data type at generation.

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