ALICloudDB for PostgreSQL 试用报告 - 1 教你做RDS性能测试

云原生数据库 PolarDB MySQL 版,Serverless 5000PCU 100GB
云原生数据库 PolarDB 分布式版,标准版 2核8GB
云数据库 RDS MySQL Serverless,0.5-2RCU 50GB
几个月过去了,阿里云RDS PG在性能方面做出了大量的代码层优化,感兴趣的童鞋赶紧测试,来PK我之前的测试数据吧。

测试机申请的RDS都是最低配置的,容量5GB,内存1GB,支持100个连接,IOPS 400。
postgres=> select name,substring(setting,1,10),unit from pg_settings order by category, name;
                name                 |         substring         | unit 
 autovacuum                          | on                        | 
 autovacuum_analyze_scale_factor     | 0.1                       |   
 autovacuum_analyze_threshold        | 50                        | 
 autovacuum_freeze_max_age           | 200000000                 | 
 autovacuum_max_workers              | 5                         | 
 autovacuum_multixact_freeze_max_age | 400000000                 | 
 autovacuum_naptime                  | 60                        | s    
 autovacuum_vacuum_cost_delay        | 0                         | ms   
 autovacuum_vacuum_cost_limit        | -1                        | 
 autovacuum_vacuum_scale_factor      | 0.1                       |      
 autovacuum_vacuum_threshold         | 50                        | 
 client_encoding                     | UTF8                      | 
 DateStyle                           | ISO, YMD                  | 
 default_text_search_config          | pg_catalog                | 
 extra_float_digits                  | 0                         | 
 IntervalStyle                       | postgres                  | 
 lc_collate                          | zh_CN.UTF-                |      --  个人建议LC相关的全部改为C,并且数据库初始化时也建议选C
 lc_ctype                            | zh_CN.UTF-                | 
 lc_messages                         | C                         | 
 lc_monetary                         | zh_CN.UTF-                | 
 lc_numeric                          | zh_CN.UTF-                | 
 lc_time                             | zh_CN.UTF-                | 
 server_encoding                     | UTF8                      | 
 TimeZone                            | PRC                       | 
 timezone_abbreviations              | Default                   | 
 gin_fuzzy_search_limit              | 0                         | 
 tcp_keepalives_count                | 9                         | 
 tcp_keepalives_idle                 | 7200                      | s    -- 建议改小,例如60,如果有跨广域网访问的话。
 tcp_keepalives_interval             | 75                        | s    -- 建议改小
 local_preload_libraries             |                           | 
 bytea_output                        | hex                       | 
 check_function_bodies               | on                        | 
 default_tablespace                  |                           | 
 default_transaction_deferrable      | off                       | 
 default_transaction_isolation       | read commi                | 
 default_transaction_read_only       | off                       | 
 lock_timeout                        | 0                         | ms      --  建议用户针对自己的业务,修改锁等待超时
 search_path                         | "$user",pu                | 
 session_replication_role            | origin                    | 
 statement_timeout                   | 0                         | ms      --  建议用户针对自己的业务,修改语句执行超时
 temp_tablespaces                    |                           | 
 transaction_deferrable              | off                       | 
 transaction_isolation               | read commi                | 
 transaction_read_only               | off                       | 
 vacuum_freeze_min_age               | 50000000                  | 
 vacuum_freeze_table_age             | 150000000                 | 
 vacuum_multixact_freeze_min_age     | 5000000                   | 
 vacuum_multixact_freeze_table_age   | 150000000                 | 
 xmlbinary                           | base64                    | 
 xmloption                           | content                   | 
 bonjour                             | off                       | 
 bonjour_name                        |                           | 
 listen_addresses                    | *                         | 
 max_connections                     | 100                       | 
 port                                | 3009                      |   --  这是数据库的监听端口,和RDS提供的端口不一样,因为RDS用了SLB
 superuser_reserved_connections      | 10                        |   --  为超级用户保留的连接,阿里云管理RDS用的,超级用户对客户不开放
 unix_socket_group                   |                           | 
 unix_socket_permissions             | 0777                      |   --  这个权限改为0700更靠谱,交给阿里云来修改。
 authentication_timeout              | 60                        | s
 db_user_namespace                   | off                       | 
 krb_caseins_users                   | off                       | 
 password_encryption                 | on                        | 
 ssl                                 | off                       |   --  对于跨广域网的访问,建议阿里云允许SSL连接,交给阿里云来支持。
 ssl_ca_file                         |                           | 
 ssl_cert_file                       | server.crt                | 
 ssl_crl_file                        |                           | 
 ssl_key_file                        | server.key                | 
 ssl_prefer_server_ciphers           | on                        | 
 ssl_renegotiation_limit             | 524288                    | kB
 pg_stat_statements.max              | 1000                      |   --  阿里云RDS默认开启了pg_stat_statements             | on                        | 
 pg_stat_statements.track            | all                       | 
 pg_stat_statements.track_utility    | on                        | 
 allow_system_table_mods             | off                       | 
 debug_assertions                    | off                       | 
 ignore_checksum_failure             | off                       | 
 ignore_system_indexes               | off                       | 
 post_auth_delay                     | 0                         | s
 pre_auth_delay                      | 0                         | s
 trace_notify                        | off                       |   
 trace_recovery_messages             | log                       | 
 trace_sort                          | off                       | 
 zero_damaged_pages                  | off                       |   
 exit_on_error                       | off                       | 
 restart_after_crash                 | on                        | 
 deadlock_timeout                    | 1000                      | ms  --  锁时间超过1秒,记录锁等待SQL以及其他状态
 max_locks_per_transaction           | 64                        | 
 max_pred_locks_per_transaction      | 64                        | 
 block_size                          | 8192                      |     --  建议改为用户可选择的块大小,对于有大批量数据导入的应用建议大块。当然这里还涉及FPW,shared buffer空间利用率。
 data_checksums                      | on                        |     --  checksums打开,对性能有一定影响,开启了FULL PAGE WRITE一般没有必要开这个。但另一方面体现了阿里云PG的可靠性第一的理念。
 integer_datetimes                   | on                        | 
 max_function_args                   | 100                       | 
 max_identifier_length               | 63                        | 
 max_index_keys                      | 32                        | 
 segment_size                        | 131072                    | 8kB   -- 单个数据文件最大1GB
 server_version                      | 9.4.1                     | 
 server_version_num                  | 90401                     | 
 wal_block_size                      | 8192                      | 
 wal_segment_size                    | 2048                      | 8kB  -- 单个WAL文件16MB
 geqo                                | on                        | 
 geqo_effort                         | 5                         | 
 geqo_generations                    | 0                         | 
 geqo_pool_size                      | 0                         | 
 geqo_seed                           | 0                         | 
 geqo_selection_bias                 | 2                         | 
 geqo_threshold                      | 12                        |   -- 超过12个对象的JOIN会使用遗传优化算法,不用穷举法
 constraint_exclusion                | partition                 | 
 cursor_tuple_fraction               | 0.1                       | 
 default_statistics_target           | 100                       | 
 from_collapse_limit                 | 8                         | 
 join_collapse_limit                 | 8                         | 
 cpu_index_tuple_cost                | 0.005                     |   -- 成本因子,不知道阿里有没有针对硬件环境调整,看样子是没有调整
 cpu_operator_cost                   | 0.0025                    | 
 cpu_tuple_cost                      | 0.01                      | 
 effective_cache_size                | 98304                     | 8kB 
 random_page_cost                    | 4                         |   
 seq_page_cost                       | 1                         | 
 enable_bitmapscan                   | on                        | 
 enable_hashagg                      | on                        | 
 enable_hashjoin                     | on                        | 
 enable_indexonlyscan                | on                        | 
 enable_indexscan                    | on                        | 
 enable_material                     | on                        | 
 enable_mergejoin                    | on                        | 
 enable_nestloop                     | on                        | 
 enable_seqscan                      | on                        | 
 enable_sort                         | on                        | 
 enable_tidscan                      | on                        | 
 synchronous_standby_names           |                           |      -- 未开启同步流复制
 vacuum_defer_cleanup_age            | 0                         | 
 max_replication_slots               | 10                        | 
 max_wal_senders                     | 5                         | 
 wal_keep_segments                   | 80                        | 
 wal_sender_timeout                  | 60000                     | ms
 hot_standby                         | on                        |      -- 开启了hot_standby,用于HA。
 hot_standby_feedback                | on                        | 
 max_standby_archive_delay           | 30000                     | ms   -- 如果将来阿里云要开放读写分离,在SLAVE要跑LONG SQL的话,可能要加大这个值
 max_standby_streaming_delay         | 30000                     | ms   -- 如果将来阿里云要开放读写分离,在SLAVE要跑LONG SQL的话,可能要加大这个值
 wal_receiver_status_interval        | 10                        | s    -- 建议缩短feedback时延
 wal_receiver_timeout                | 60000                     | ms  
 application_name                    | psql                      | 
 debug_pretty_print                  | on                        | 
 debug_print_parse                   | off                       | 
 debug_print_plan                    | off                       | 
 debug_print_rewritten               | off                       | 
 log_autovacuum_min_duration         | -1                        | ms  -- 这个值建议改为0,记录所有的垃圾回收操作
 log_checkpoints                     | off                       |   -- 建议打开
 log_connections                     | off                       |   -- 建议打开
 log_disconnections                  | off                       |   -- 建议打开
 log_duration                        | off                       | 
 log_error_verbosity                 | default                   |   -- 建议改为 verbose, 记录代码位置
 log_hostname                        | off                       | 
 log_line_prefix                     | \x01                     +| 
                                     |         %p      %r      % | 
 log_lock_waits                      | on                        | 
 log_statement                       | all                       |    --  又一个对性能有影响的参数,审计所有SQL,当然这里代码层有优化的余地,所以性能影响可以做到很小。
 log_temp_files                      | 100000                    | kB
 log_timezone                        | UTC                       | 
 client_min_messages                 | notice                    | 
 log_min_duration_statement          | 1000                      | ms  -- 开了log_statement=all, 这个就没有必要了。
 log_min_error_statement             | error                     | 
 log_min_messages                    | warning                   | 
 event_source                        | PostgreSQL                | 
 log_destination                     | stderr                    |   --  建议使用csvlog,或者加一个remote log。日志统一发到监控平台。
 log_file_mode                       | 0600                      | 
 logging_collector                   | on                        | 
 log_rotation_age                    | 0                         | min
 log_rotation_size                   | 10240                     | kB
 log_truncate_on_rotation            | on                        | 
 syslog_facility                     | local0                    | 
 syslog_ident                        | postgres                  | 
 effective_io_concurrency            | 1                         | 
 max_worker_processes                | 8                         | 
 bgwriter_delay                      | 20                        | ms
 bgwriter_lru_maxpages               | 100                       | 
 bgwriter_lru_multiplier             | 2                         | 
 vacuum_cost_delay                   | 0                         | ms  -- 如果想降低垃圾回收对IO的影响,可以改为10毫秒,但是垃圾回收的时间会拉长
 vacuum_cost_limit                   | 200                       | 
 vacuum_cost_page_dirty              | 20                        | 
 vacuum_cost_page_hit                | 1                         | 
 vacuum_cost_page_miss               | 10                        | 
 temp_file_limit                     | -1                        | kB
 max_files_per_process               | 1000                      | 
 autovacuum_work_mem                 | -1                        | kB
 dynamic_shared_memory_type          | posix                     | 
 huge_pages                          | try                       | 
 maintenance_work_mem                | 16384                     | kB
 max_prepared_transactions           | 800                       |      --  允许用户使用分布式事务,一般不建议打开,对于不熟悉的用户,可能导致膨胀,xid wrap等不良后果。除非有使用的必要。
 max_stack_depth                     | 2048                      | kB
 shared_buffers                      | 32768                     | 8kB  --  不同规格,会设置不同的shared buffer大小,一般为规格内存的1/4.
 temp_buffers                        | 1024                      | 8kB
 track_activity_query_size           | 1024                      | 
 work_mem                            | 4096                      | kB
 log_executor_stats                  | off                       | 
 log_parser_stats                    | off                       | 
 log_planner_stats                   | off                       | 
 log_statement_stats                 | off                       | 
 track_activities                    | on                        | 
 track_counts                        | on                        | 
 track_functions                     | all                       |  -- 这个也是对性能有影响的,统计所有的函数调用,为了更好的展示性能指标.
 track_io_timing                     | on                        |  -- 对IO耗时进行统计,相当影响性能
 update_process_title                | on                        | 
 transform_null_equals               | off                       | 
 array_nulls                         | on                        | 
 backslash_quote                     | safe_encod                | 
 default_with_oids                   | off                       | 
 escape_string_warning               | on                        | 
 lo_compat_privileges                | off                       | 
 quote_all_identifiers               | off                       | 
 sql_inheritance                     | on                        | 
 standard_conforming_strings         | on                        | 
 synchronize_seqscans                | on                        | 
 archive_command                     | cp %p /u02                | 
 archive_mode                        | on                        |   -- 开启了归档,是为了更好的做在线备份
 archive_timeout                     | 0                         | s
 checkpoint_completion_target        | 0.9                       |   --  检查点的时间拉这么长,主要是为了减少检查点带来的锯齿,阿里云RDS PG已经改进了检查点的性能影响,代码层。
 checkpoint_segments                 | 64                        |   -- shared buffer只有256MB,但是这个有1GB的间隔,可以考虑加大shared buffer。前提是cgroup不会限制。
 checkpoint_timeout                  | 300                       | s
 checkpoint_warning                  | 30                        | s
 commit_delay                        | 0                         |   --  未开启分组提交,对于高并发的场景,建议打开。当然也可以关闭synchronous_commit          达到同样的目的。
 commit_siblings                     | 5                         | 
 fsync                               | on                        | 
 full_page_writes                    | on                        |   -- 如果底层块设备的原子写大于等于block_size,和wal_block_size,可以关闭full_page_writes, 或者底层文件系统可以避免partial write,也可以关闭fpw.
 synchronous_commit                  | on                        |   -- 对于非重要事务,建议在事务级别关闭synchronous_commit   来提高性能。
 wal_buffers                         | 983                       | 8kB
 wal_level                           | hot_standb                | 
 wal_log_hints                       | off                       | 
 wal_sync_method                     | fdatasync                 |   -- 建议根据wal所在的块设备测试一下,使用最快的fsync接口,fdatasync刷data page, 不刷inode。
 wal_writer_delay                    | 200                       | ms  --  建议改为10ms
(228 rows)

set synchronous_commit=off;
create table userinfo (userid int,info jsonb);
insert into userinfo select generate_series(1,2000000);
create table session (userid int,last_login timestamp);
insert into session select generate_series(1,2000000);
create table login_log (userid int,db_user name,client_addr inet,
                       client_port int,server_addr inet,server_port int,login_time timestamp);
set maintenance_work_mem='1GB';
alter table userinfo add constraint pk_userinfo primary key (userid);
alter table session add constraint pk_session primary key (userid);

postgres=> \dt+
                        List of relations
 Schema |      Name       | Type  | Owner  |  Size  | Description 
 public | ha_health_check | table | aurora | 40 kB  | 
 public | login_log       | table | digoal | 141 MB | 
 public | session         | table | digoal | 75 MB  | 
 public | userinfo        | table | digoal | 69 MB  | 
(4 rows)

postgres=> \di+
                                   List of relations
 Schema |         Name         | Type  | Owner  |      Table      | Size  | Description 
 public | ha_health_check_pkey | index | aurora | ha_health_check | 16 kB | 
 public | login_log_pkey       | index | digoal | login_log       | 22 MB | 
 public | pk_session           | index | digoal | session         | 43 MB | 
 public | pk_userinfo          | index | digoal | userinfo        | 43 MB | 
(4 rows)

create extension pg_prewarm;
select pg_prewarm('userinfo');
select pg_prewarm('pk_userinfo');
select pg_prewarm('session');
select pg_prewarm('pk_session');

1. 基于PK执行查询用户表,
2. 基于PK更新会话表,
3. 插入日志
create or replace function f_test(i_id int) returns void as 

  v_t timestamp := now();
  set synchronous_commit = off;
  perform 1 from userinfo where userid=i_id;
  update session set last_login=v_t where userid=i_id;
  insert into login_log (userid,db_user,client_addr,client_port,server_addr,server_port,login_time)
                        values (i_id,current_user,inet_client_addr(),inet_client_port(),inet_server_addr(),inet_server_port(),v_t);

 language plpgsql strict;

postgres=> select f_test(1);
(1 row)
postgres=> select now(),* from session where userid=1;
              now              | userid |        last_login         
 2015-06-10 11:44:01.820262+08 |      1 | 2015-06-10 11:44:01.22805
(1 row)

vi test.sql
\setrandom id 1 2000000
select f_test(:id);
pgbench -M prepared -n -r -f ./test.sql -c 16 -j 16 -P 5 -h xxxx -p 3433 -U digoal -T 300 postgres
progress: 5.0 s, 2903.1 tps, lat 5.482 ms stddev 7.189
progress: 10.0 s, 3101.8 tps, lat 5.162 ms stddev 6.366
progress: 15.0 s, 3131.1 tps, lat 5.098 ms stddev 6.286
progress: 20.0 s, 3060.6 tps, lat 5.234 ms stddev 6.591
progress: 25.0 s, 3198.8 tps, lat 4.998 ms stddev 6.069
progress: 30.0 s, 3110.7 tps, lat 5.144 ms stddev 6.362
progress: 35.0 s, 2972.9 tps, lat 5.376 ms stddev 6.899
progress: 40.0 s, 3060.7 tps, lat 5.224 ms stddev 6.609
progress: 45.0 s, 3057.8 tps, lat 5.232 ms stddev 6.642
progress: 50.0 s, 3051.0 tps, lat 5.242 ms stddev 6.601
progress: 55.0 s, 3083.9 tps, lat 5.192 ms stddev 6.454
progress: 60.0 s, 3154.5 tps, lat 5.063 ms stddev 6.247
progress: 65.0 s, 3103.8 tps, lat 5.166 ms stddev 6.421
progress: 70.0 s, 3099.7 tps, lat 5.158 ms stddev 6.464
progress: 75.0 s, 3141.9 tps, lat 5.092 ms stddev 6.292
progress: 80.0 s, 3105.9 tps, lat 5.140 ms stddev 6.406
progress: 85.0 s, 3097.7 tps, lat 5.161 ms stddev 6.412
progress: 90.0 s, 3112.3 tps, lat 5.146 ms stddev 6.339
progress: 95.0 s, 3023.9 tps, lat 5.271 ms stddev 6.627
progress: 100.0 s, 3088.4 tps, lat 5.194 ms stddev 6.426
progress: 105.0 s, 3095.3 tps, lat 5.178 ms stddev 6.358
progress: 110.0 s, 3085.7 tps, lat 5.172 ms stddev 6.465
progress: 115.0 s, 3143.2 tps, lat 5.099 ms stddev 6.185
progress: 122.9 s, 1429.7 tps, lat 6.803 ms stddev 78.508
progress: 127.8 s, 174.7 tps, lat 95.927 ms stddev 617.430
progress: 130.5 s, 443.2 tps, lat 61.379 ms stddev 460.493
progress: 135.5 s, 240.0 tps, lat 68.903 ms stddev 379.392
progress: 143.0 s, 179.9 tps, lat 45.773 ms stddev 314.194
progress: 148.1 s, 330.8 tps, lat 74.456 ms stddev 564.188
progress: 150.2 s, 993.0 tps, lat 20.515 ms stddev 249.150
progress: 158.5 s, 265.6 tps, lat 58.506 ms stddev 422.513
progress: 160.3 s, 1535.6 tps, lat 15.287 ms stddev 188.301
progress: 168.8 s, 377.9 tps, lat 34.676 ms stddev 309.978
progress: 170.0 s, 2758.9 tps, lat 15.764 ms stddev 204.179
progress: 175.0 s, 992.6 tps, lat 16.132 ms stddev 146.747
progress: 180.0 s, 1061.1 tps, lat 15.093 ms stddev 136.797
progress: 185.0 s, 487.3 tps, lat 32.812 ms stddev 302.795
progress: 190.8 s, 1665.7 tps, lat 6.174 ms stddev 57.000
progress: 195.7 s, 834.5 tps, lat 16.647 ms stddev 189.034
progress: 204.2 s, 1839.9 tps, lat 10.975 ms stddev 147.814
progress: 205.0 s, 3180.3 tps, lat 8.171 ms stddev 95.892
progress: 210.0 s, 3216.4 tps, lat 4.972 ms stddev 10.054
progress: 215.0 s, 1229.4 tps, lat 13.029 ms stddev 166.420
progress: 220.0 s, 3178.3 tps, lat 5.039 ms stddev 7.517
progress: 225.0 s, 3261.0 tps, lat 4.897 ms stddev 11.573
progress: 230.0 s, 3149.3 tps, lat 5.073 ms stddev 7.657
progress: 235.0 s, 3200.8 tps, lat 4.995 ms stddev 7.128
progress: 240.0 s, 3128.6 tps, lat 5.121 ms stddev 9.665
progress: 245.0 s, 3063.0 tps, lat 5.223 ms stddev 6.571
progress: 250.0 s, 3047.3 tps, lat 5.250 ms stddev 6.514
progress: 255.0 s, 3192.3 tps, lat 5.007 ms stddev 6.121
progress: 260.0 s, 3113.3 tps, lat 5.148 ms stddev 6.379
progress: 265.0 s, 3278.1 tps, lat 4.871 ms stddev 5.762
progress: 270.0 s, 3091.6 tps, lat 5.181 ms stddev 6.378
progress: 275.0 s, 3172.2 tps, lat 5.034 ms stddev 6.098
progress: 280.0 s, 2879.8 tps, lat 5.556 ms stddev 7.319
progress: 285.0 s, 3267.2 tps, lat 4.900 ms stddev 5.850
progress: 290.0 s, 3174.6 tps, lat 5.035 ms stddev 6.097
progress: 295.0 s, 3201.1 tps, lat 4.996 ms stddev 6.033
progress: 300.0 s, 3071.6 tps, lat 5.216 ms stddev 6.439
transaction type: Custom query
scaling factor: 1
query mode: prepared
number of clients: 16
number of threads: 16
duration: 300 s
number of transactions actually processed: 720287
latency average: 6.663 ms
latency stddev: 72.356 ms
tps = 2400.926759 (including connections establishing)
tps = 2401.013184 (excluding connections establishing)
statement latencies in milliseconds:
        0.002118        \setrandom id 1 2000000
        6.659889        select f_test(:id);
性能抖动分析,虽然拿不到数据库的日志,但是基本上判断和检查点有关,检查点时会产生刷脏数据的IO,因此更新会变慢,同时又开启了FPW,所以接下来的脏块写WAL BUFFER开销会变大,所以性能抖动严重,这个是需要优化的,但是IOPS是无法优化的硬伤。详见我以前写的一些分析文章:

所以我们再看看不带更新, 只有查询和插入的测试吧:
create or replace function f_test(i_id int) returns void as 

  v_t timestamp := now();
  set synchronous_commit = off;
  perform 1 from userinfo where userid=i_id;
  -- update session set last_login=v_t where userid=i_id;
  insert into login_log (userid,db_user,client_addr,client_port,server_addr,server_port,login_time)
                        values (i_id,current_user,inet_client_addr(),inet_client_port(),inet_server_addr(),inet_server_port(),v_t);

 language plpgsql strict;

pgbench -M prepared -n -r -f ./test.sql -c 16 -j 16 -P 5 -h xxxx -p 3433 -U digoal -T 300 postgres
progress: 5.0 s, 3571.7 tps, lat 4.466 ms stddev 4.847
progress: 10.0 s, 3653.7 tps, lat 4.379 ms stddev 4.484
progress: 15.0 s, 3675.6 tps, lat 4.352 ms stddev 4.416
progress: 20.0 s, 3688.8 tps, lat 4.337 ms stddev 4.420
progress: 25.0 s, 3766.2 tps, lat 4.247 ms stddev 4.116
progress: 30.0 s, 3626.6 tps, lat 4.411 ms stddev 4.657
progress: 35.0 s, 3683.6 tps, lat 4.342 ms stddev 4.424
progress: 40.0 s, 3735.7 tps, lat 4.282 ms stddev 4.283
progress: 45.0 s, 3818.3 tps, lat 4.189 ms stddev 4.027
progress: 50.0 s, 3736.7 tps, lat 4.281 ms stddev 4.259
progress: 55.0 s, 3763.7 tps, lat 4.250 ms stddev 4.158
progress: 60.0 s, 3768.1 tps, lat 4.245 ms stddev 4.169
progress: 65.0 s, 3699.0 tps, lat 4.324 ms stddev 4.355
progress: 70.0 s, 3698.1 tps, lat 4.326 ms stddev 4.345
progress: 75.0 s, 3653.2 tps, lat 4.378 ms stddev 4.496
progress: 80.0 s, 3623.2 tps, lat 4.415 ms stddev 4.615
progress: 85.0 s, 3653.9 tps, lat 4.378 ms stddev 4.464
progress: 90.0 s, 3548.9 tps, lat 4.507 ms stddev 4.958
progress: 95.0 s, 3656.9 tps, lat 4.374 ms stddev 4.520
progress: 100.0 s, 3750.1 tps, lat 4.265 ms stddev 4.221
progress: 105.0 s, 3742.4 tps, lat 4.274 ms stddev 4.190
progress: 110.0 s, 3662.2 tps, lat 4.368 ms stddev 4.464
progress: 115.0 s, 3652.6 tps, lat 4.379 ms stddev 4.431
progress: 120.0 s, 3707.2 tps, lat 4.315 ms stddev 4.363
progress: 125.0 s, 3765.1 tps, lat 4.248 ms stddev 4.216
progress: 130.0 s, 3750.7 tps, lat 4.265 ms stddev 4.244
progress: 135.0 s, 3693.3 tps, lat 4.331 ms stddev 4.371
progress: 140.0 s, 3748.8 tps, lat 4.267 ms stddev 4.264
progress: 145.0 s, 3702.3 tps, lat 4.320 ms stddev 4.297
progress: 150.0 s, 3584.9 tps, lat 4.462 ms stddev 4.832
progress: 155.0 s, 3537.5 tps, lat 4.522 ms stddev 4.942
progress: 160.0 s, 3638.0 tps, lat 4.397 ms stddev 4.472
progress: 165.0 s, 3645.4 tps, lat 4.388 ms stddev 4.489
progress: 170.0 s, 3642.1 tps, lat 4.392 ms stddev 4.488
progress: 175.0 s, 3650.1 tps, lat 4.382 ms stddev 4.473
progress: 180.0 s, 3550.6 tps, lat 4.505 ms stddev 4.733
progress: 185.0 s, 3550.3 tps, lat 4.505 ms stddev 4.613
progress: 190.0 s, 3703.2 tps, lat 4.319 ms stddev 4.374
progress: 195.0 s, 3666.0 tps, lat 4.363 ms stddev 4.440
progress: 200.0 s, 3660.2 tps, lat 4.371 ms stddev 4.520
progress: 205.0 s, 3686.4 tps, lat 4.339 ms stddev 4.374
progress: 210.0 s, 3557.1 tps, lat 4.497 ms stddev 4.882
progress: 215.0 s, 3546.0 tps, lat 4.505 ms stddev 4.914
progress: 220.0 s, 3726.5 tps, lat 4.298 ms stddev 4.293
progress: 225.0 s, 3740.5 tps, lat 4.276 ms stddev 4.247
progress: 230.0 s, 3704.3 tps, lat 4.318 ms stddev 4.337
progress: 235.0 s, 3635.7 tps, lat 4.400 ms stddev 4.510
progress: 240.0 s, 3592.6 tps, lat 4.453 ms stddev 4.675
progress: 245.0 s, 3581.2 tps, lat 4.466 ms stddev 4.732
progress: 250.0 s, 3609.8 tps, lat 4.431 ms stddev 4.626
progress: 255.0 s, 3628.8 tps, lat 4.408 ms stddev 4.549
progress: 260.0 s, 3611.0 tps, lat 4.430 ms stddev 4.608
progress: 265.0 s, 3666.0 tps, lat 4.363 ms stddev 4.395
progress: 270.0 s, 3657.9 tps, lat 4.373 ms stddev 4.575
progress: 275.0 s, 3603.4 tps, lat 4.439 ms stddev 4.791
progress: 280.0 s, 3794.4 tps, lat 4.215 ms stddev 4.105
progress: 285.0 s, 3759.1 tps, lat 4.255 ms stddev 4.123
progress: 290.0 s, 3631.6 tps, lat 4.405 ms stddev 4.468
progress: 295.0 s, 3741.2 tps, lat 4.275 ms stddev 4.196
progress: 300.0 s, 3743.8 tps, lat 4.273 ms stddev 4.223
transaction type: Custom query
scaling factor: 1
query mode: prepared
number of clients: 16
number of threads: 16
duration: 300 s
number of transactions actually processed: 1101227
latency average: 4.357 ms
latency stddev: 4.453 ms
tps = 3670.717757 (including connections establishing)
tps = 3670.852824 (excluding connections establishing)
statement latencies in milliseconds:
        0.002000        \setrandom id 1 2000000
        4.354966        select f_test(:id);

1. RDS内部再优化一下,性能还会更加靠谱。可以参考前面的参数分析。
2. 另外需要注意别触碰到IOPS的瓶颈,因为是用cgroup限制的,影响很大。
3. RDS用了异步流复制,所以用户需要注意,是否有绝对的不丢事务的需求,这点一定要和阿里云确定清楚,如果有,必须要使用同步流复制。

CREATE SERVER fdtest FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER dblink_fdw OPTIONS (host 'xxxxxx', dbname 'postgres', port '3433');
CREATE USER MAPPING FOR digoal SERVER fdtest OPTIONS (user 'xxx', password 'xxx');
SELECT dblink_connect('myconn', 'fdtest');

postgres=> SELECT * from dblink('myconn', 'select inet_server_addr()') as t(ip inet);
(1 row)

postgres=> SELECT * from dblink('myconn', 'select inet_client_addr()') as t(ip inet);
(1 row)

postgres=>  select * from pg_stat_replication ;
  pid   | usesysid |  usename   | application_name | client_addr | client_hostname | client_port | backend_start | backend_xmin | st
ate | sent_location | write_location | flush_location | replay_location | sync_priority | sync_state 
 204877 |    16384 | replicator | standby1         |             |                 |             |               |         3310 |   
    |               |                |                |                 |               | 
(1 row)

除了普通用户digoal, 还有几个用户是RDS后台用的,复制用的。
postgres=> \du
                                    List of roles
        Role name        |                   Attributes                   | Member of 
 aurora                  | Superuser                                      | {}
 aurora_proxy            | Superuser                                      | {}
 digoal                  | Create role, Create DB                         | {}
 pgrdskp501t1znuuzp2xxxx | Superuser, Create role, Create DB, Replication | {}  -- 这里可能暴露了主机名,建议改改
 replicator              | Superuser, Replication                         | {}


一小时快速掌握 SQL 语法
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